If I add to the table { ip = hostname, ip = hostname} I get the following, but at least it starts.

# /usr/sbin/smtpd -d
warn: duplicate key "" in static table "<dynamic:0>"
info: OpenSMTPD 5.4.3 starting

I was going to add an ip and test, but I'm sure that would work. I'd rather play around and get it to work off just 1 ip. Which I don't need, but thats the point of a test server right?

On 01/19/15 17:14, Edgar Pettijohn wrote:

On 01/18/15 22:33, Seth wrote:
On Sun, 18 Jan 2015 20:20:19 -0800, Seth <l...@sysfu.com> wrote:

Related email threads


"Declare your listener with a hostnames table and declare a pki entry for
every domain that should be supported by SNI:

    pki foo.bar ...
    pki bar.baz ...

    listen on [...] tls hostnames { foo.bar, bar.baz }"


That gives the following error:
# /usr/sbin/smtpd -d
/etc/mail/smtpd.conf:16: invalid use of table "<dynamic:0>" as HOSTNAMES parameter

#smtpd.conf test server
table aliases db:/etc/mail/aliases.db
table vdomains db:/etc/mail/vdomains.db
table vusers db:/etc/mail/vusers.db
table creds db:/etc/mail/creds.db

pki test.pettijohn-web.com certificate "/etc/ssl/test.pettijohn-web.com.crt" pki test.pettijohn-web.com key "/etc/ssl/private/test.pettijohn-web.com.key" pki openbsd.pettijohn-web.com certificate "/etc/ssl/openbsd.pettijohn-web.com.crt" pki openbsd.pettijohn-web.com key "/etc/ssl/private/openbsd.pettijohn-web.com.key"

listen on egress tls hostnames { test.pettijohn-web.com, openbsd.pettijohn-web.com }
listen on lo0

queue compression
queue encryption key f61de1a07fba7ccd57af89df8c28fc1f

accept from any for domain <vdomains> virtual <vusers> deliver to mda \
        "/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda -f %{sender} -d %{rcpt}"
accept for local alias <aliases> deliver to maildir
accept from any for any relay

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