Hello Jonathan,

I don't know about FreeBSD, but under OpenBSD the sqlite table backend is included.
I use the following configuration in smtpd.conf:

table authdb sqlite:/etc/mail/auth.conf
accept from any for domain <authdb> virtual <authdb> userbase <authdb> deliver to maildir "%{user.directory}/Maildir/%{dest.domain}/%{dest.user:strip}"

With /etc/mail/auth.conf:
dbpath          /etc/mail/storage.db

query_alias SELECT recipient FROM alias WHERE user=?;

query_domain SELECT SUBSTR(user, INSTR(user, '@')+1) FROM alias WHERE SUBSTR(user, INSTR(user, '@')+1)=? GROUP BY SUBSTR(user, INSTR(user, '@')+1);

query_credentials SELECT email, password FROM users WHERE email=?;

query_userinfo SELECT uid, gid, home AS directory FROM users WHERE REPLACE(email, '@', '_')=?;

And the layout for /etc/mail/storage.db:
        email           VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
        password        VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '!',
        uid             INT NOT NULL,
        gid             INT NOT NULL,
        home            VARCHAR(256)
        user            VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
        recipient       VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX alias_user ON alias(user);

Make sure that you map every email-address is also in aliases, mapped to a recipient where the @ is replaced with a _, otherwise smtpd will keep looking for the user-part of the e-mail address.

For dovecot I use the following directives:
driver = sqlite
connect = /etc/mail/storage.db
password_query = SELECT email AS user, password, uid AS userdb_uid, gid AS userdb_gid, home AS userdb_home FROM users WHERE email = '%u';

Hope this helps. For my small home-setup it works like a charm.

On 06/16/15 14:14, free...@jonathanprice.org wrote:

I currently run a personal mailserver using postfix + dovecot (and a few
other things for anti-spam, dkim etc, but i'm not worried about that at
the moment).

I am very interested in replacing postfix with OpenSMTPD, especially for
clarity of configuration.

However, I am a little stuck as to how I can get OpenSMTPD and Dovecot
to use the same source for authentication.

In my current setup, each of my virtual domains has a file called
/var/mail/vhosts/passwd-%DOMAIN% which is in the format of Dovecot's
passwd-file. I then use SASL to provide postfix with a way of
authenticating submissions.

If you'd like to see how that actually works from a configuration
standpoint, see the following link:

As far as I can tell, OpenSMTPD does not support SASL, therefore
directly copying this approach will not work.

I don't believe I can customise the format of the auth table for either
OpenSMTPD or Dovecot to make them compatible with each other, so I don't
think that's an option (although if i'm wrong on that point, please let
me know!).

After spending some time researching I seem to have come across a couple
of references to a passwd table format for OpenSMTPD. It seems to be in
OpenSMTPD-extras, which is not currently a port on FreeBSD. I tried
compiling that particular table format based on instructions from
github, and making sure that I specified the correct directory for the
FreeBSD installation, but it still didn't appear to detect the format
when I started OpenSMTPD (giving the error: "fatal: table_create:
backend "passwd" does not exist").

At this point I imagine i'm probably overcomplicating the situation, and
there is a simpler solution.

Does anybody have a recommended way to do the following?:
- virtual users and domains, not tied to system accounts
- stored in maildir format (using my existing solution of
/var/mail/vhosts/%DOMAIN%/%USER% would be a bonus)
- single source for authentication (I don't mind that being a single
file, rather than my current system of 1 file per domain, so long as I
can have for instance jonathan@DOMAIN1 and jonathan@DOMAIN2 having
different passwords).

Thanks for taking the time to read my question.

Jonathan Price
Verify my identity at https://keybase.io/pricetx

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