>> But i can't get any logging from it in syslog. Is that by design, or
>> am i missing something obvious?

> Yes, you are :^)

> man 5 syslog.conf

> Hint: facility, level and prog.

Well, probably not something _that_ obvious. ;)
Even with below config nothing turns up.
But when looking at the code, even mail.info should display it.
log_info("info: filter-clamav: result %s", l);

I need a bigger cluestick.

*.notice;auth,authpriv,cron,ftp,kern,lpr,mail,user.none /var/log/messages
kern.debug;syslog,user.info                             /var/log/messages
auth.info                                               /var/log/authlog
authpriv.debug                                          /var/log/secure
cron.info                                               /var/cron/log
daemon.info                                             /var/log/daemon
ftp.info                                                /var/log/xferlog
lpr.debug                                               /var/log/lpd-errs
mail.info                                               /var/log/maillog
mail.*                                                  /var/log/maillog.debug
#uucp.info                                              /var/log/uucp
*.*                                                     /var/log/messages.all

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