On Wed, Sep 09, 2015 at 07:37:13PM +0200, Marcus MERIGHI wrote:
> j...@navratil.cz (Jiri Navratil), 2015.09.08 (Tue) 08:24 (CEST):
> > I wish to use on my notebook to deliver emails via relay to my server
> > regardless of location and Internet connection.
> > 
> > on notebook I have
> > 
> > accept from local for any relay via tls+auth://user@myserver auth
> > <secrets>
> table relayauth { username= "passphrase" }
> accept for any relay via tls+auth://usern...@msa.domain.tld:587 auth \
>   <relayauth>
> > on server I have
> > 
> > listen on egress tls pki myserver auth-optional
> > listen on egress port submission tls-require pki myserver auth
> pki host.domain.tld certificate "/etc/ssl/tld.domain.host.crt"
> pki host.domain.tld key "/etc/ssl/private/tld.domain.host.key"
> listen on egress port submission tls pki host.domain.tld auth tag msa
> Bye, Max
> > !DSPAM:55ee7f4a22061658913436!

Thank you Max for your help.

It's working now. I had to add 587 port and change format of relayaut

I propose to adjust smtpd.conf(5) of these changes:

- add 587 port to example of accept for ...
- adjust secrets table format, as this one has been reported by smtpd -v as
  wrong (the created secrets.db)
           # echo "label username:password" > /etc/mail/secrets

next to it 
- /etc/rc.d/smtpd start  reported OK, but smtpd -v reported problem with

next to it
- $ doas smtpctl resume mta 
is still reporting
command failed

Please let me know, if I can help debug it more.

Best regards,

Jiri Navratil, http://kouc.navratil.cz, +420 222 767 131

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