On Tue, Oct 06, 2015 at 13:38:31 -0400, Bryan C. Everly wrote:
> I have two servers up and running and would like to know how to clean
> out the queue on them.  I have a lot of test messages stuck there from
> early attempts to get the configuration right.
> Is there an option to do this?  I read the manpages and didn't see
> anything.  If it's as simple as deleting some files out of a
> directory, I'm fine doing that - I just couldn't find the right
> directory.

When you're sure you want to get rid of every message in the queue you can use
this one-liner (maybe overly complicated):
smtpctl show queue | awk -F \| '{ print "smtpctl remove "$1 }' |sh

Afaik there is no build in way to clean out the whole queue. 


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