> On 20 Jan 2016, at 01:32, Edgar Pettijohn <ed...@pettijohn-web.com> wrote:
> I've been getting the following in the logs for a couple of weeks now. I had 
> intended on upgrading to a current snapshot and testing, but I haven't had a 
> chance.  Has anyone else seen this?
> smtpd[8217]: smtp-in: session 25c5ca54fc7bce0c: connection from host 
> server.majorhosting.ru [] established
> spamd[28577]: spamd: connection from localhost []:7943 to port 783, 
> fd 6
> smtpd[8217]: smtp-in: session 25c5ca54fc7bce0c: received invalid input: 500 
> 5.0.0: Line too long
> smtpd[8217]: smtp-in: session 25c5ca54fc7bce0c: connection from host 
> server.majorhosting.ru [] closed (client sent QUIT)

^ earlier quit received here

> spamd[28577]: spamd: processing message 
> <1399008493.1859859723520628...@mutism.cliftbonze.com> for (unknown):506
> smtpd[8217]: warn: pony -> inbound: pipe closed
> smtpd[8217]: warn: filter "inbound" closed unexpectedly
> smtpd[8217]: fatal: exiting

What filter is behind “inbound”, looks like filter-spamassassin? 
I have seen this in combination with multiple filters in chains. 

Please show your whole smtpd.conf.
Can you run in debug mode with smtpd -dv -Tall, so that one sees what is really 
going on?
There are still some known bugs with filters, likely you hit one of them.

> Thanks,
> Edgar
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