
I'm trying to download mails using getmail and IMAP, and store them on a local Dovecot server. Getmail is pushing all those mails to Dovecot using lda. Then they're checked by Sieve script in order to redirect them to virtual users's mailboxes.

When I invoke forward "localu...@mydomain.com"; Dovecot should forward this mail to another user's mailbox. But I'm getting the following error in OpenSMTPd - it's unable to send the mail using Dovecot lmtp.

debug: mda: new session 1f22ec6dfd5df54c for user "<getpwnam>:vmail" evpid c2b5d995da66571f
debug: mda: no more envelope for "<getpwnam>:vmail"
debug: mda: got message fd 15 for session 1f22ec6dfd5df54c evpid c2b5d995da66571f
debug: mda: loop detected
0000000000000000 mda event=delivery evpid=c2b5d995da66571f from=<x...@y.com> to=<b...@mydomain.com> user=vmail method=lmtp delay=0s result=PermFail stat=Loop detected
debug: mda: session 1f22ec6dfd5df54c done
debug: mda: user "vmail" becomes runnable
debug: mda: all done for user "<getpwnam>:vmail"

What does it mean? What kind of loop is created here?
I don't see anything problematic in Dovecot log.

Sep 15 01:06:14 lda(a...@mydomain.com: Info: sieve: msgid=<57dafcd4.40...@gmail.com>: forwarded to <b...@mydomain.com>

OpenBSD 6.0 GENERIC#2148 amd64

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