Hi misc@opensmtpd.org,

I’ve been a very happy user of OpenSMTPD for some time now, but I encountered a 
DNS issue today which seems to have caused mail to be lost.

For some reason, the primary DNS server in the data centre I'm using started 
replying to lookups with REFUSED last night.  As a result, smtpd couldn't 
resolve destination MX addresses and emails stopped getting delivered.  Many 
/var/log/maillog entries started appearing along the lines of:

    smtp-out: routing: Failed to resolve MX for [blah]: Invalid domain name
    smtp-out: session 0000000000000000: evpid=blah, status=PermFail, from=<>, 
to=<f...@bar.com>, rcpt=<->, source=-, relay=bar.com, delay=0s, stat=Invalid 
domain name
    warn: queue: no return path!

What surprised me about this situation was that smtpd seems to think it 
successfully delivered all those messages.  `smtpctl show queue` is empty and 
there are no files sitting in /var/spool/smtpd, so as far as I can tell the 
messages are gone.  I was expecting to find them tucked away in a directory 
somewhere waiting for something to be done about them.  Is this expected 

The other surprising thing to me was that the system's DNS lookups weren't 
clever enough to ignore the server that was returning REFUSED and fall back to 
the second DNS server listed in /etc/resolv.conf, which was still working just 
fine.  That's a question for a different list though.

OS and software versions:

FreeBSD 10.3



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