On Fri, Jan 06, 2017 at 02:35:46PM +1100, Damian McGuckin wrote:
> Does the FAQ need a section of tweaks for email clients?
> I tried to use 'alpine' on OpenBSD 6.0 with the standard SMTPD therein.
> A pkg_add'ed 'alpine' just sits there trying and trying until you go into
>       Main-Menu -> Setup -> Config
> and change the SMTP server to 'localhost'. I have never had to do that
> in my life with 'alpine' on any other system that has used sendmail or
> postfix.
> How many other email clients need tweaking for OpenSMTPD?

It's probably due to the default sendmail flags used by alpine :
smtp_msa_flags="-bs -odb -oem"

I'll have a look at the port today, there's a configure option to change the


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