
Le 24/09/2017 à 20:48, Kevin a écrit :
> Hi, I just started with OpenSMTPD and I was able to get it up and
> running (with Dovecot) in just one day. It's a real pleasure to use
> and configure, so thank you!
> My question is: how do I only allow relay for authenticated users?
> #accept from any for any relay via tls+auth://la...@smtp.sendgrid.net
> auth <secrets>
> If I understand the above correctly, somebody could connect to port
> 25, not authenticate, but still send an email which would relay to
> sendgrid. However, I don't want to enforce authentication on 25
> because then I can't receive email for my domains as an MX server.

Just `accept from local` instead of `from any` in the line I’ve left
above, and it should work the way you want. ;)

Which is what examples do btw, except that `from local` being the
default it’s not specified.


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