I would like opinions on recommended configuration of opensmtpd
in scenario with local users via mbox,
virtual users on top level domain via lmtp/maildir
and the edge case of delivering from top level domain to local user mbox.

server with node name www.example.org
local users (root), larry, lisa
virtual users <vic...@example.org>, <viv...@example.org> delivered by lmtp to 
maildir (dovecot)

openbsd setup:
/etc/mail/aliases: postmaster root
/etc/root/.forward to local user larry

configuration of /etc/mail/smtpd.conf:
table aliases file:/etc/mail/aliases
table public_users file:/etc/mail/public_users

accept from any for domain "example.org" virtual <public_users> deliver to lmtp 
"/var/dovecot/lmtp" rcpt-to
accept for local alias <aliases> deliver to mbox
accept from local for any relay

With this configuration:
from local node, <postmaster> or <postmas...@www.example.org> gets delivered to 
larry mbox

external <postmas...@example.org> won't get delivered at all

If I put account postmaster into /etc/mail/public_users
then <postmas...@example.org> will go to a lmtp maildir for a virtual postmaster

I would prefer for <postmas...@example.org> to get delivered
to local user root (then .forward to local user larry mbox)

I guess there are many options:
- don't bother with postmaster
- do the virtual postmaster (with now a separate password, and via IMAP)
- insist people send to <postmas...@www.example.org>

My essential question:
Is there a good way to have <postmas...@example.org> go to a local user mbox?

documentation of 'passwd' table

On www.opensmtpd.org/faq/example1.html
there is the line
table passwd passwd:/etc/mail/passwd

but in man.openbsd.org/smtpd.conf and man.openbsd.org/table
there is no documentation of the format/details of 'passwd' table/file

dovecot expects a file with similar format to /etc/passwd file
(separated by colons, man.openbsd.org/passwd.5 )

Perhaps it should be made explicit in man.openbsd.org/table
or man.openbsd.org/smtpd.conf
that the 'type' of table may be 'passwd' in addition to 'db' and 'file'
and specify that it is the same file format as /etc/passwd

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