On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 05:55:14PM +0100, R??my Silber wrote:
> Hello. Hello,
> I'm just a geek who whish don't use google smtp and so, I have email
> problems;)
> Thanks
> I have a virtual machine (VM1) that is configured normally. I manage to
> send messages, (maybe errors in reception, but this is not the problem yet).
> VM1# cat /etc/smtpd/smtpd.conf
>     # tables setup
>     table aliases file:/etc/smtpd/aliases
>     table domains file:/etc/smtpd/domains
>     # pki setup
>     pki mail.esprit-bourse.com key "/etc/ssl/private/mail.esprit-
> bourse.com.pem"
>     pki mail.esprit-bourse.com certificate "/etc/ssl/certs/mail.esprit-
> bourse.com.pem"
>     # Deliver
>     listen on lo
>     listen on lo port 10028 tag DKIM
>     listen on eth0 port 25 tls pki mail.esprit-bourse.com
>     #listen on eth0 port 587 tls-require pki mail.esprit-bourse.com #auth
>     listen on eth0 port 587 tls pki mail.esprit-bourse.com auth
>     # dkim tagged can be sent
>     accept tagged DKIM for any relay
>     accept from any for domain <domains> alias <aliases> deliver to maildir
> "~/Maildir"
>     accept from local for local alias <aliases> deliver to maildir

Your incoming mail on port 587 will match this rule.

> "~/Maildir"
>     #accept from local for local alias <aliases> deliver to maildir
> "~/Maildir"
>     #accept from any for domain <domains> deliver to maildir "~/Maildir"
>     # Relay
>     # if not dkim tagged, send it to dkimproxy
>     accept from local for any relay via smtp://
> A machine (VM2) that sends messages via VM1 relay.
> I can send emails with smtp. gmail.com, but not with my own server as I
> wish.
> VM2# cat /etc/smtpd/smtpd.conf
>     table secrets file:/etc/smtpd/secrets

Are you sure your secrets file is correct and is your label actually
label if not you need to adjust the accept line below.

>     table aliases file:/etc/smtpd/aliases
>     listen on lo
>     accept from any for any relay via secure+auth://label@mail.
                                        I think there was talk of
                                        tls+auth being better. Not sure
> esprit-bourse.com:587 auth <secrets>

Are you sure you want to accept anything from anyone and relay it?

> Here are the logs
> VM1
> nothing about smtpd

is it running?

> VM2
> Logs
> Nov 28 16:34:04 esprit-bourse mail.info smtpd[3652]: 368dfe322a55edb3 smtp
> event=connected address=local host=esprit-bourse
> Nov 28 16:34:04 esprit-bourse mail.info smtpd[3652]: 368dfe322a55edb3 smtp
> event=message msgid=05022889 from=<r...@mydomaine.com> to=<d...@gmail.com>
> size=387 ndest=1 proto=ESMTP
> Nov 28 16:34:04 esprit-bourse mail.info smtpd[3652]: 368dfe322a55edb3 smtp
> event=closed reason=quit
> VM2:~# smtpctl show queue
> 050228898c9f6a97|local|mta|auth|r...@mydomaine.com|d...@gmail.com|
> d...@gmail.com|1511886844|1512232444|1511886844|0|inflight|28|
> bc98f40538f28829|local|mta|auth|r...@ydomaine.com|d...@gmail.com|
> d...@gmail.com|1511877321|1512222921|1511877321|0|inflight|9551|
> VM2:~# sendmail -vt < mail
> <<< 220 esprit-bourse ESMTP OpenSMTPD
> >>> EHLO localhost
> <<< 250-esprit-bourse Hello localhost [local], pleased to meet you
> <<< 250-8BITMIME
> <<< 250-SIZE 36700160
> <<< 250 HELP
> >>> MAIL FROM:<r...@mydomaine.com>
> <<< 250 2.0.0: Ok
> >>> RCPT TO:<d...@gmail.com>
> <<< 250 2.1.5 Destination address valid: Recipient ok
> >>> DATA
> <<< 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
> >>> .
> <<< 250 2.0.0: 05022889 Message accepted for delivery
> >>> QUIT
> <<< 221 2.0.0: Bye
> -- 
> Cordialement
> R??my Silber

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