On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 10:12:42AM +0100, Tom Van Looy wrote:
> Hi
> We use mailhog in development / testing and hook it up to postfix. It so
> that if you mail to an email address ending in .external, it will be
> relayed to a real server. And, if doesn't we relay it to mailhog.
> Postfix configuration /etc/postfix/main.cf:
> myhostname = myserver.mydomain.tld
> relayhost = real-smtp-relay.mydomain.tld
> smtp_generic_maps = pcre:/etc/postfix/smtp_generic_maps.pcre
> transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
> The smtp maps make sure that the .external part is stripped off.
> /(.*)\.external$/ $1
> The transport maps decide that .external addresses will be relayed to the
> real SMTP server and the rest will be relayed to mailhog.
> .external :
> *           smtp:
> I would like to migrate this setup to OpenSMTPd but I'm not sure if it can
> be done. I think the important part is that the PCRE trick is missing.
> Or should I use a different approach?
> Kind regards,
> Tom Van Looy

I'm afraid you would need the PCRE magic that isn't available :( It may
be possible with the FORMAT SPECIFIERS but it would probably still be

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