On Mon, Apr 02, 2018 at 05:25:29PM +0000, Vijay Sankar wrote:
> Hi Reio,
> It may be better to continue this discussion on the list. That will allow
> people more knowledgeable than I to help you out.
> Re. configuration, I actually use the defaults. Amavisd and OpenSMTPD always
> use SMTP in my case. Re. versions, it is just OpenBSD 6.1 -stable.

Yes, please put everything up. Now that 6.3 is out I want to know how to
get all of this working for my mail. What is wrong is every bit as
helpful as what is right.

For example, should I continue using mbox or change to maildir.
It seems that IMAP may be a better choice.

I currently use neomutt and want to turn on Dovecot for using remote
email readers, but not sure what steps are best.

Chris Bennett

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