I'm using OpenSMTPD on HardenedBSD. Below is a very simple config
file. Instead of delivering to the mda, I'm getting this error

smtp-in: Failed command on session d73f0a31e68f02bf: "RCPT 
TO:<shawn@wm43xbbhcje4zcw54ya6hjvupimp2lp7mwfcfmuu4luzejjhksgdg6id.onion>" => 
550 Invalid recipient

Config file:

listen on tag UNSANITIZED
listen on port 2225 tag SANITIZED

# If you edit the file, you have to run "smtpctl update table aliases"
table aliases file:/etc/mail/aliases

accept tagged UNSANITIZED deliver to mda "/usr/sbin/tcsmda" as root

# Uncomment the following to accept external mail for domain "example.org"
accept tagged SANITIZED from any for domain 
"wm43xbbhcje4zcw54ya6hjvupimp2lp7mwfcfmuu4luzejjhksgdg6id.onion" alias 
<aliases> deliver to mbox

accept tagged SANITIZED for local alias <aliases> deliver to mbox
accept tagged UNSANITIZED for any relay


Shawn Webb
Cofounder and Security Engineer

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