On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 11:23:59AM +0200, Joel Carnat wrote:
> Hi,
> (Running OpenBSD 6.3/amd64 with OpenSMTPD 6.0.4)
> I want `telegraf` to be allowed to run `/usr/sbin/smtpctl show stats`.
> I configured "_smtpq:*:103:_telegraf" in groups and thought it would run.
> But I still get:
>   # doas -u _telegraf /usr/sbin/smtpctl show stats
>   smtpctl: need root privileges
> Is the thread (https://github.com/OpenSMTPD/OpenSMTPD/issues/678) still
> relevant ?
> Is the only way to get stats is to use doas to execute as root ?
> Thanks.


The thread you're mentionning is no longer relevant, however as of today
it is true that statistics are not exposed to users.

I don't know if we should, it requires at least a bit of thinking and of
discussion which I think should target the 6.5 release.

In particular, a lot of people are using the smtpctl stats command as an
input to reporting utilities and maybe we should provide a better way to
do that, and maybe I already have diffs heading in that direction ;)


Gilles Chehade

https://www.poolp.org                                          @poolpOrg

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