On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 04:34:25PM +0200, Harald Dunkel wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I've got a problem with IPv6 support for opensmtpd 6.7.1p1 on
> Debian: Apparently opensmtpd seems to ignore IPv6 after a reboot.
> My smtpd.conf says
> :
> xname = "mailhost.example.com"
> pki $xname cert               "/etc/mail/ssl/mailhost.example.com.cert"
> pki $xname key                "/etc/mail/ssl/mailhost.example.com.key"
> listen on lo  tls pki $xname
> listen on eth0        tls pki $xname
> :
> lsof -p shows that smtpd is listening only on the IPv4 address on
> eth0. The IPv6 addresses bound to eth0 (link-local and global) are
> ignored.
> If I *restart* smtpd, then it is listening on IPv6 as well, up to
> the next prefix change propagated via router advertisement. The
> IPv6 address with the new prefix is ignored. When the old prefix
> expires, then opensmtpd is back to IPv4-only. I have to restart
> it again.
> Can anybody reproduce this?
> Every helpful comment is highly appreciated.
> Regards
> Harri
This is probably a useless comment, but check your ipv6 setting in /etc/hosts.
Not having ipv6 available, I cannot attempt to reproduce your situation.  But
I recall previously that opensmtpd erred when /etc/hosts had generic debian
ipv6 addresses and I lacked such addresses; pounding those out cleared the
problem for me.  Definitely a long shot for a possible obverse setting but
it's something to check.

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