I'm trying to convert my old configuration to the new format and I'm missing 
some bits
I used to use the following instructionexpire 4hI'm not sure how is it known in 
the new format: queue ttl delay ?
limit mta for domain gmail.com inet4I have no idea about this one
--In old format I hadaccept tagged CLAM_IN for domain <domaines> virtual 
<utilisateurs> deliver to maildir 
In new format I wroteaction DELIVRE_VIRTUELS maildir 
match tag CLAM_IN for domain <domaines> rcpt-to <utilisateurs> action 
The table <domaines> points to a file that looks like 
The table <utilisateurs> points to a file that looks like this
i...@domain1.org    myuser@domain1.orgmyu...@domain1.org    _vmailThe error 
message displayed is/etc/mail/smtpd.conf:64: table "utilisateurs" may not be 
used for rcpt-to lookups

Do you have any idea ?

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