Thanks for the input, and that mirrors what I was thinking

On 4/21/21 1:48 PM, Pierre-Edouard wrote:
I've looked at this as well a few months ago, and I understood that it's only possible by using Dovecot's LMTP.

Regular sieve scripts are only run when using Dovecot's LDA or LMTP; if something else handles initial delivery, the scripts aren't run. (I tried to use imapsieve to get the scripts to run, but they only handle a change in IMAP status, not initial delivery.

Let me know if I'm wrong :)

I'm willing to try other options, but keeping OpenSMPTD to handle the maildir delivery really is the best option for this server.



Le 4/21/21 à 6:28 PM, Robert Cameron a écrit :

I'm finally migrating my old OpenSMTPD 6.0 server to the version on OpenBSD stable, but I have a few questions about the configuration.

I've been able to move most of my previous configurations over to the new syntax, and have everything working fairly well. Instead of relying upon Dovecot's LMTP for delivery into mailboxes, I've got it set up to use OpenSMTPD's own maildir delivery settings. This is working well, both with several virtual tables as well as different userbases. However, I though I read previously that when a recipient includes a tag that OpenSMTPD will deliver the mail into a subfolder matching the tag, but I can't get this to work.

I've tried:
- Addressing to user+tag when no folder exists
- Addressing to user+tag when a top-level folder exists
- Addressing to user+tag when a sub-folder of Inbox exists

Under all three conditions, OpenSMTPD failed to deliver to anything other than Inbox. Is this a side effect of use the `junk` option with `maildir`? Or am I simply mistaken and this was never a feature of OpenSMTPD?

(I suppose I could go back to using LMTP, but OpenSMPTD's delivery makes it much easier to have multiple addresses/domains deliver to the same user/mailbox.)



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