Le 07/11/2021 à 01:49, Matthieu C a écrit :
I just setup a fresh install with opensmtpd and dovecot on my Ubuntu server with the help of this tutorial: https://rodolphe.breard.tf/en/article/how-to-deploy-a-personal-email-server/

However, my opensmtpd service fails to start (even manually) with this error:
smtpd[2160]: pony express: smtpd: bind: Cannot assign requested address
smtpd[2156]: smtpd: process pony socket closed

Here is my smtpd.conf (strangely located at /etc/ instead of /etc/smtpd/) : https://pastebin.com/SXJkLNrY Do you have an idea of the source of the problem? Another toturial mentioned adding mail.myhostname.fr <http://mail.myhostname.fr> to /etc/hosts, but then I removed it.

I think the problem is here:

listen on port 25 tls pki myhostname.fr hostname mail.myhostname.fr

listen on ::1 tls pki myhostname.fr hostname mail.myhostname.fr

On most modern Linux, ::1 implies I would juste replace both with

listen on lo port 25 hostname mail.myhostname.fr

(No need for tls internally)

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