
fixed it for myself. I changed the delimiter in sourcecode, table.c Line 557 from : to ; and build my own Opensmtpd from scratch.

My secrets file ist now myrelay username;password

Everything works as expected :)

Have a nice time



Am 2021-12-04 14:13, schrieb Timo:

Hello to everyone,

I try to setup a Debian smtp host, we have to relay to a special system with a fixed username and a selfsigned certificate.

I could send mails via thunderbird and also swaks is working fine, but opensmtpd gives me an

mta error reason=AUTH rejected: 501 5.5.4 (Invalid command arguments)

I think the username is the problem it has several # and one :
I tried to escpape the special characters in several ways, without luck....

Here are my settings:


# $OpenBSD: smtpd.conf,v 1.10 2018/05/24 11:40:17 gilles Exp $
table aliases file:/etc/aliases
listen on localhost
table secrets file:/etc/secrets
action "myserver" relay host smtps://myrelay@ auth <secrets>
match from local for any action "myserver"


myrelay usernamepart1#usernamepart2:465#usernamepart3#usernamepart4:password

debug log:

[411]: lookup: fetch RELAYHOST from table static:<dynamic:0> -> "smtps://myrelay@" [411]: lookup: lookup "myrelay" as CREDENTIALS in table static:secrets ->
[412]: 40979230afbdaaf2 mta connecting address=smtps:// host=
[412]: 40979230afbdaaf2 mta connected
[412]: 40979230afbdaaf2 mta tls ciphers=TLSv1.2:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:256
[412]: 40979230afbdaaf2 mta server-cert-check result="failure"
[412]: 40979230afbdaaf2 mta error reason=AUTH rejected: 501 5.5.4 (Invalid command arguments) [412]: smtp-out: Disabling route [] <-> ( for 15s [412]: smtp-out: No valid route for [connector []->[relay:,port=465,smtps,auth=secrets:myrelay,mx],0x0]

Is there a way to get this setting running?

Thanks in advance



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