Hi all,

I hope this is ok but I just wanted to say thanks to the developer of 
'opensmtpd-filter-dnsbl' whom I believe is Martijn van Duren. This filter is 
superb and just what I was looking for in order to use the great resource that 
is Spamhaus.

I can't seem to find a personal email address on the following site so that's 
why I'm saying thanks on the list: 

Here's how I've used it in my smtpd.conf on OpenBSD 7.0:

filter dnsbl proc-exec "filter-dnsbl -mv zen.spamhaus.org"

listen on em0 tls pki mydomain.tld \
    hostname mydomain.tld filter { check_rdns, dnsbl }

I will shortly remove the -m flag which just adds headers rather than rejecting 
the mail.


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