
We use several OpenSMTPD servers to relay mails from a PHP application through an external relay.

The problem is that */sometimes/* we get "550 Invalid recipient" for 100% valid destination addresses:

Feb  6 15:37:43 <mail.info> mta8 smtpd[33893]: c56196830ac72397 smtp connected address= host=<unknown> Feb  6 15:37:43 <mail.info> mta8 smtpd[33893]: c56196830ac72397 smtp failed-command command="RCPT TO: <to...@xxxx.xx>" result="550 Invalid recipient: <to...@xxxx.xx>" Feb  6 15:37:43 <mail.info> mta8 smtpd[33893]: c56196830ac72397 smtp failed-command command="DATA" result="503 5.5.4 Invalid command arguments: No recipient specified" Feb  6 15:37:43 <mail.info> mta8 smtpd[33893]: c56196830ac72397 smtp bad-input result="500 5.5.1 Invalid command: Pipelining not supported" Feb  6 15:37:43 <mail.info> mta8 smtpd[33893]: c56196830ac72397 smtp disconnected reason=quit

(The domain xxxx.xx is an external valid domain, the IP address is present in senders-consul table - see below)

If I manually test the relay - it works perfectly. The same mail from app will pass after some delay.

The configuration file is:

jail_addr = ""
host_addr = ""
pub_hostname = "mta.xxxx.xx"

listen on $jail_addr port 25 hostname $pub_hostname

table aliases file:/etc/mail/aliases
table local_addr { $jail_addr, $host_addr }
table senders-static file:/usr/local/etc/mail/senders-static
table senders-consul file:/usr/local/etc/mail/senders-consul

table remote_auth { sendinblue=xxxxxxx:xxxxxxx }

action local_delivery_mbox mbox alias <aliases>
match for local action local_delivery_mbox

action remote_delivery_via_relay relay host smtp+tls://sendinb...@smtp-relay.sendinblue.com:587 tls auth <remote_auth>

match from src <local_addr> for any action remote_delivery_via_relay
match from src <senders-static> for any action remote_delivery_via_relay
match from src <senders-consul> for any action remote_delivery_via_relay

The table senders-consul is refreshed regularly by an external script, calling "/usr/local/sbin/smtpctl update table ..." after refresh. I supposed that the errors are related to table update, but the log timestamps don't confirm this. The logs of the script have no errors.

The error comes ~twice per day on random destination addresses. The same addresses work for other mails.

Does anyone have an idea about any possible reason for this?


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