On Thu, 7 Sep 2023, Sagar Acharya wrote:

In today's times of mature NLP, you will not be able to differentiate
human mail from bot mail or spam. Only in person verification is
trustworthy.  No. Are you saying that only people who control the
network should send mails? Well DNS exactly is for that. If you find I
send spams, you can easily easily block mails from my domain
humaaraartha.in but it is not wise nor ethical to by default not allow
people to mail.

Acckshully ... when using centralized DNS root zone, ICANN, they
can cancel/spoof domains.  And TLS is worse, as the shadowy TLS
global cabal decides the list of CAs full trusted.  (And browsers
do not support CA veto out of the box.) This lets the cabal MITM your TLS connections.

DNS was designed to be federated - so you can lessen your dependence
on ICANN by running your own root zone, or using a community root zone
like https://www.opennic.org

That issue lies because hardware is not mapped to people. There is no
technological solution for trust hopping between machines. ssh should
be discouraged and each machine, denoted by single IP address should
be mapped to a human. So humaaraartha.in is run by Sagar Acharya.

Yes, see https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns and
https://github.com/yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go both of which create crypto unique authenticated IPv6 addresses. Use the raw IPv6
to send emails and make phone calls.

Well, what action should be implemented for sending emails. I don't

The scheme I use for fully decentralized opensmtpd and SIP is described at https://fedoramagazine.org/decentralize-common-fedora-apps-cjdns/
(Older version of opensmptpd for that article.)

I even have a few people that will talk to me that way.  And no spam.
I do get connects from various spiders looking for mail server listening,
but so far no spam.

It is a hard sell ...

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