Dear Senators,

The Missouri FairTax, House Joint Resolution (HJR) 36, is stuck in your 
committee and needs to be reported out to the full Senate on Wednesday.  I 
believe the FairTax proposal will have a positive impact on Missouri's 
economy by removing many of the artificial impediments to productivity, 
attracting new businesses to our state, and helping existing businesses to 
expand.  The nine states who do not have income taxes clearly show that not 
taxing the fruits of our labor has positive economic results.

I ask for your support of the FairTax Proposal (HJR36).  I also ask that you 
speak with other members of the Ways and Means Committee to solicit their 
support for the bill.  By voting the bill out of committee, the Fair Tax 
proposal can receive a free and fair discussion on the Senate floor during the 
current session. 
Thank you for your consideration of my request.  


Fred B. Ellison
1315 N. Broadway Ave
Springfield, MO 65802

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