Keith says: Isn't it sickening to think about all our brave men and women who 
have died in all the wars to free the oppressed, and now half of the voters 
in American are willing to elect a socialist that will certainly be 

-----Forwarded Message----- 
From: Earnie
Sent: Oct 21, 2008 11:21 AM 
Subject: Re: The RISE Of The USSA? 

In a message dated 10/20/2008 10:53:20 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, VBrown 
writes and earnie responds (BELOW)::

Earn, has it occurred to you or those who think Obama will create a socialist 
nation, that GW Bush has already beat him to the draw?? Yep. Nationalizing 
our banks officially made the US a socialist country. Bailing out crooked Wall 
Street CEOs and letting the middle-class pay for their greed and jaunts to CA 
spas and grouse-hunting in England is happening in Bush's term.

With all due respect, I'm not sure you know the real meaning of socialism.  
GW Bush did not 'beat them to the draw'. I really am tired of the 'blame 
everything on Bush' mantra.  While he has not vetoed some bills I would have 
him to, and his stance on immigration is very troublesome to me,  he is not 
responsible for the foundation of the financial crisis.  
That foundation for this financial crisis was laid many years ago in 1974 
under Jimmy Carter and his henchmen.  It was exacerbated when lobbyists for 
DEMOCRATS demanded very, very poor loan practices such as 0% down, failing to 
verify income, and guaranteeing bad loans.  GW had absolutely nothing to do 
those practices.  
Incidentally, I just discovered that the 'bundling' schemes by financial 
institutions included hundreds of thousands of mortgages that did not include 
original note.  By law, one cannot sell a mortgage without the note.  That can 
only be attributed to the eagerness and sloppiness of these institutions - 
not GW (as for it's effect, I did find out that if there is no note; there is 
obligation to the homeowner - I wonder how that will be factored into the 
Recovery Plan!).  
The second most egregious factor is the rise and fall of Fannie Mae and 
Freddie Mac- the largest by far.  Both were rife with the 'poor practices' 
described above.  In 2003 and again in 2005  John McCain on the floor of the 
asked for an investigation of both, because he somehow must have found out 
their poor practices and the even worse management.    Greg Meeks (D), Maxine 
Waters (D) and most especially Barney Frank (D) vociferously  and angrily (I 
saw and heard them on C-Span) denied the need for any such investigation.  
Naturally,  once what became the worst rated Congress by the public took 
office in 2006, anyone with half a brain knew it would be fruitless to seek a 
(critically necessary) investigation into the practices that had become so 
endearing to the Democrats.   While the 1974 Carter plan and its 1977 renewal 
was the 
origin of our financial crisis, the  failure of an investigation was the 
trigger for the crisis. 
The blame-Bush mantra does NOT apply to the crisis. It is the fault of 
Democrats who not only permitted poor financial and mortgage practices, but 
them, and accepted 'donations' from the lobbyists for,  AND the actual 
institutions of, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.   
If elected, Obams will simply exacerbate the crisis.  Frankly, I am not smart 
enough to know what needs to be done about it.  But same goes for Obama and 
nearly every so-called expert, including those appointed by GW to key positions 
 In fact, I  don't believe any one (or for that matter any two, three, or 
four, etc.)  person knows how to best pull the US out of this financial crisis. 
The issues and obstacles are staggering. 
One thing I do know would be a good start:  CREATING JOBS.  in my opinion, 
this nation should immediately embark on an energy independence plan that by 
nature will create jobs, i.e. forget the tree hugger, and start drilling off 
shore, using our newer technology that pollutes the ocean less than the 
natural runoff of petro-type emissions from Mother Earth.  We should begin 
nuclear energy plants immediately. How a common sense, rational, intelligent, 
and caring person cannot understand the immediate creation of for jobs with 
such a program is beyond me.  I ask you:  Of the two candidates for President 
has this as a linchpin of their campaign?  (A clue, it's not the rookie). 
The question is begged:  From whence do companies who are willing and eager 
to engage in this program get their capital?   If not the first order of 
business, THAT is of the highest priority for experts to come up with the 
answer - 
an answer that I know is out there based upon our past experiences in 
overcoming a crisis (see World War II).    

Frankly, I find it quite troubling, and pray that Obama gets elected so he 
can do something about it.

 You can be as 'frank' as you want, and you can "hope" all you want, but 
Obama is NOT the answer to our financial crisis.  Not a person who has openly 
revealed his socialistic persuasion.  
By contrast, McCain has finally (surprise, surprise) recognized how to attack 
the financial crisis.  I 'hope' it's not too late, because a Democrat 
President with a Democrat Congress spells big trouble with a capital 'B' and a 
capital 'T'  


David Earnest

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