It's happened. 
If you're like me, the worst case scenario is being played out in your mind. 
It's over. With Barack Obama as President, your finances are in bigger 
trouble than ever before. 
You see, you made the one mistake you can't make anymore. You succeeded. 
Mere months from now there's going to be new legislation passed. Legislation 
taking more of your hard-earned profits, and "spreading it around". 
It's simple to see this. You've paid attention to the last few months, and 
follow Obama's track record. Trillions of dollars in refundable "tax credits" 
for people who don't pay any taxes at all. We used to call that welfare, but 
because of the fairness doctrine, that's not allowed. 
This process won't take long.  
First, they'll tell you that you make too much money. How much is too much? 
$250K? $150K? $50K? They can't seem to make up their mind. The only thing for 
sure is that you're NOT getting a tax cut. 
Then, employer health care. It's no longer your choice. Either buy it for 
your employees, or the government will simply take your profits by force. 
Next, wind-fall profit taxes. It won't stop at oil. Their profit margin is 
tiny compared many other industries. Why hold back when you've got the power? 
But that's just the beginning... 
Now you're probably thinking, "There's nothing I can do about it. It's over 
and I'm going to pay." You're wrong! 
Hi, I'm Drew Miles.  I'm a retired attorney and business man and, believe it 
or not, you have a choice! You don't have to sit by while bureaucrats in 
Washington play with your hard-earned money. There are two types of tax systems 
this country: The educated and the uneducated and I'm going to tell you about 
The vast majority of Americans are grossly overpaying their taxes. In fact, 
taxes eat up almost fifty (50%) percent of every dollar you make.  
Regardless whether you're a business owner or an employee- 
As an American, you can't afford to throw your money away. 
If fifty percent taxes sounds a little high, take out any one of your recent 
pay stubs and see for yourself.  You have one line of income (the top line) 
and three or four lines of taxes deducted.  The Federal tax rate currently goes 
up to 35%, and some states charge as much as 9.6%. You may also have to pay a 
City tax.  
Then, you've got what I call the invisible tax killer - Social Security or 
FICA.  I call it that because most people are unaware that, while they must pay 
7.65% directly from their pay check, the employer must match it with another 
7.65%. (That affects what your employer can pay YOU.) In my book, that's over 
15% of your money being taken out. This is the uneducated tax system. You pay 
your taxes and keep whatever amount the government decides you can keep. 
It would be a terrible shame if there was nothing we could do about it.  Yet, 
the amazing thing is that there are lots of things that the average person 
can do to legally reduce their taxes by as much as fifty (50%) percent or more. 
You are only taking ten (10%) percent of the deductions available to you.
Missed deductions are costing you money - lots of money in fact.  I have 
found that even the most savvy business people are taking only about ten 
of the deductions available to them - even if they have the advice of 
accountants and CPA's.   No matter how big or small your business is, you can't 
to overpay any expenses, least of all your taxes.  
Now we'll talk about the Educated tax system. 
What I'm going to share with you could get me into big trouble with "the 
establishment". You see, they don't want you to know this, but the richest 
in this country pay single-digit taxes - that's right, less than ten (10%) 
percent.  (In fact, it can be as low as 4% -5%). And it's all perfectly legal.  
That's why the rich keep getting richer and you're stuck struggling with the 
financial ups and downs of the economy.  
But the good news is that you can use the very same strategies as these rich 
people and enjoy the very same savings benefits. And it's all legal! 
_To Start Saving Immediately Sign Up for the F-R-E-E Webinar
I'm going to give you a quick crash course in tax law. Nothing too 
complicated. Just enough to show you that when politicians say that the rich 
unfairly using the tax code to "dodge" taxes, it's not only a lie, but the 
have long held that it's your right to use the tax laws and pay the minimum in 
The precedent that our work relies on is a case that was decided decades ago 
called Gregory v. Helvering, 293 U.S. 465 (1935). In that case, famed Supreme 
Court Justice Learned Hand was quoted as saying:  
"Anyone may arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as 
possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which best pays the treasury. 
is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes. Over and over again the 
Courts have said that there is nothing sinister in so arranging affairs as to 
keep taxes as low as possible. Everyone does it, rich and poor alike and all do 
right, for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands." 
The case was originally brought in 1932 when the IRS took exception to 
certain structuring put in place by the tax payer.  It ultimately gave rise to 
"substance over form doctrine" which stands for the proposition that any 
structuring that a tax payer does must be done for legitimate business reasons, 
merely for the purpose of avoiding taxes. Stated another way, the doctrine of 
substance over form is essentially that, for Federal tax purposes, a taxpayer 
is bound by the economic substance of a transaction where the economic 
substance varies from its legal form. 
Yet, this doctrine is misunderstood by most tax professionals even to this 
What the Court found objectionable in the Gregory case was that the tax payer 
put together this elaborate scheme for the sole purpose of avoiding taxes.  
There were no asset protection or other business reasons cited by the parties. 
As such, the court disregarded all the fancy maneuvering and held that Ms. 
Gregory was liable for the tax.  Clearly, the case would have  gone in her 
if there was a separate and distinct business purpose. 
So what does Justice Hand's now famous quote mean to us? 
    1.  It is perfectly legitimate for a business owner to protect himself 
from liability by structuring things through an entity such as a corporation or 
limited liability company.  You are not ducking responsibility, you are taking 
legal advantage of the very structures that our legal system gave rise to.  
    2.  Do your entity structuring well in advance of any anticipated 
transactions, especially large ones. Mrs. Gregory's stock transfer would have 
worth tens of millions of dollars in today's economy.  It's best to put the 
entities to work with one another and establish a normal course of business 
dealing between them.  
    3.  Educate your tax professional so they don't think that you are trying 
to "get away" with something awful when you structure things most favorably.  
It's your right as a citizen. 

Now, you are going to be able to move into the educated tax system yourself.  
That's because for the first time I am going to share these incredible 
tax-saving strategies with you and once you know them, you can keep more of 
hard-earned money in your own pocket.  Much more.  
_To Start Saving Immediately Sign Up for the F-R-E-E Webinar
If you're a business owner, 1099 contractor or a W-2 employee wanting to get 
into business, you can't afford to just delete this email. 
Please allow me to show you an example. 
When Steph joined our program, her business was making about $50,000 
annually.  Her family accountant had already made some headway in reducing her 
and was proud that she was paying about $12,000 in taxes, that's about 24%.  
Here's an illustration of what's Steph's situation looked like before joining 
our program: 
Income                                $50,000
FICA                                     <$7,500>
Fed & State Taxes           <$4,500> 
Total Taxes Paid               $12,000  
One day Steph called to tell me that her accountant felt that he was already 
doing everything possible to reduce her taxes. "You're not going to save any 
more money in that program", he said.  In the face of conflicting advice, she 
asked me what to do.  I responded "let's get him on a conference call". 
As an attorney, I recognized that I was the outsider and that I had very 
little time to prove my case.   After exchanging "pleasantries" with him, I got 
right to work.  
Noting that FICA (Social Security tax) was one of her largest expenses (just 
as it probably is for you), I suggested a strategy that would slash it to the 
bear minimum. After disclosing my plan, I verified with her CPA that it was 
completely legal and he said "Yes, I can help her do that".  Then I asked an 
important question:  "How much will this save Steph?"  When he verbalized the 
figure, I did what any astute attorney would do - I wrote down his answer. 
Next on the list, was health care.  With her two young kids, Steph's medical 
insurance premiums were significant. Steph's accountant was using the 
uneducated system for this deduction and, unfortunately in that system, there 
are caps 
on the amount of medical costs you can deduct.  I explained that under 
Section 105 and 106 in the educated system a properly documented business plan 
deduct ALL insurance premiums, ALL deductibles, ALL co-pays and even items that 
are not covered by insurance.  
I asked Steph's attorney how much that strategy would save her and again, I 
wrote down his answer.  
Feeling that the conversation was beginning to go in my favor, I asked for 
one more example to make my final point.  Because Steph wanted to advance her 
career, she had invested heavily in her education. She was attending continuing 
education courses at night at the local college and she had also built up 
quite a library of books and training tapes as well as participating in weekend 
seminars.  To date, she had been paying for these things from her personal 
I explained that her education was a deductible business expense under Sec 
162, and that Uncle Sam could underwrite her education costs.  
Again, her CPA calculated the amount and again I wrote down her savings.   
After spending just 15 minutes on the phone and reviewing only three (3) 
strategies together, this is what Steph's "after" picture looked like: 
Income                                  $50,000
FICA                                          <$500>
Fed & State Taxes                <$300> 
Total Taxes Paid                    $800 
Steph's Tax Savings $11,200 
Can you imagine investing just 15 minutes of your time and uncovering over 
$11,000 in taxes?  And that is year after year savings, for as long as she has 
business.   And that's on only $50,000 in income.  The incredible thing is 
that in the educated tax system, the more you make, the more you save.  If you 
make $100,000, you may be able to double your savings and so on.  
Now get ready for this.  As I told you, during that 15 minute conversation, 
we only had time to go over three strategies.  You better hold onto your hat 
because in fact there are over 300 individual deductions available to business 
people.  Steph saved over $11,000 with just three strategies. How much do you 
think you can save by knowing all 300?  
_To Start Saving Immediately Sign Up for the Live Webinar
I have lectured all over the U.S. and Canada and taught over ten thousand 
people how to save thousands and thousands of dollars in taxes every year and 
protect themselves and their families from creditors and predators.
Whether you are making $50,000 or $500,000, I can show you how to slash your 
tax bill to the legal minimum. 
For example, you will learn:
    *   The 300 deductions that are available to real estate investors, 1099 
income earners and small businesses like yours. Most business people are only 
using about 30, so you're probably missing out on 90% of the tax-saving 
deductions you are entitled to.  
    *   How properly structured LLC's and corporations can protect your 
assets and save you thousands in taxes each year.  
    *   How to upstream income from a high-tax entity to a low-tax entity. 
This single strategy can save you tens of thousands of dollars.  
    *   How to make your assets bullet proof.  You'll be so protected that 
the predators of the world would be worse off if they sue you than if they left 
you alone in the first place.  
    *   How the Super-Rich really get ahead and stay ahead financially. 

_I've prepared a F-R-E-E Webinar to teach you these strategies. Get signed up 
today- there are only 100 seats available, and filling up fast.

I've made it simple for you to learn more about how you can put these 
strategies to work for yourself.  I've prepared a Webinar for you, at no cost, 
teach these strategies. It's packed with over 60 minutes of incredible, little 
known, super-secret tax deductions that you can start to use immediately.  When 
I first shared it with my friends, they were amazed at how much they learned.  
In fact, several of them told me that this simple presentation helped them 
uncover several thousands of dollars in IMMEDIATE savings. 
You can participate in this live Webinar for f-r-e-e!  I'll also send you a 
special bonus just for taking action.  I'll send you my special 16-page report 
Get Your Instant Pay Raise From The Government (that's a $47.97 value) 
absolutely free and immediately as a way of saying "thank you".

But, seats are limited for this event and running out fast. If you want to 
secure your seat, you've got to act immediately.  I'd hate for you to be left 
behind, sinking in a sea of missed tax deductions, wondering why you just can't 
get ahead financially. 

So, all you need to do now is _Click Here_ 
 and follow the steps to incredible tax savings.

To Your Success,

Drew Miles, J.D.
The Tax Saving AttorneyTM

P.S. April is tax paying time. December is tax planning and saving time! _Get 
educated now_ 

P.P.S.  My special report alone covers strategies to save you thousands of 
dollars.  So, don't miss out!
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