That's what I'm say'en!!
 Al Groe and his little jesus ( Obama ) will be the next American rip off. 
World wide.
They are all ready and have been asking for money to pour into a hole.
Some and Wall st. and bankers and small minded, greedy individuals.
Like you say. They, Will take hard earned money from small mined people in 
the name of their jesus ( Obama ) and Al is acting like Moses, and save the 
( earth ) campaign.
You know. Save the Earth. Give me your money.
In a few years they will take that money and run to the Bahamas and live with 
the thieves that coned people out of money in the investment scams of late.
You know. If ya can't work for a living. Then ya must figure a way to scam 
people that can work out of their hard earned money. Smarter not harder is the 
I can't wait to see what the next scam will be.
Larry Freek'en Fairtax Melton
In a message dated 12/27/2008 12:45:52 PM Central Standard Time, JMltnMO 

Dear husband, this email goes not to the whole group but to you alone.
Riding the wave is what those rating services did that got our economy in 
such a mess, remember what we watched on PBS last night?
Greedy people who knew their data was built out of thin air rode a wave of 
their own creation hurting the global economy in the process, not caring about 
it's later effect when it failed due to it's shaky foundation. 
Al Gore would love people to ride the wave of his creation. 
I fundamentally disagree with riding an imaginary "wave" in the farm pond of 
a small minded, greedy individual.
Love, your wife

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