
So sorry it has taken me awhile to address your problem with the feral
feline population.  

What we (Springfield Concerned Pet Owners) are pushing for right now is
establishing a No-Kill system of animal rescue here in Springfield.  For
those of you that do not know what a No-Kill system is: all healthy,
adoptable animals are adopted.  This does not mean that nothing is killed.
This means that the people in the system are responsible enough to determine
what animals cannot be adopted due to behavior issues, health, and in some
cases even age.  It does mean to strive for a 95% adoption rate of all
animals that hit the system.

No-Kill also takes into account feral cat problems.  And to tell you the
truth, I did not know that one existed in Springfield.  Too many feral cats
are not just a nuisance to you but also can be a threat to themselves as cat
diseases will travel through colonies and kill them out overnight, spreading
to the domestic cat population.  The solution for feral cats is to decrease
the population to a manageable number and then to sterilize a percentage of
them through capture and release, to maintain them.  To relocate them as
needed and capture and adopt kittens that are able to handle it.  

This is not an overnight solution and involves manpower, but can be done.
We do not want to eliminate the feral cat population because then you become
overrun with rodents (this is proving true in cities where they have gone in
and killed the entire population of feral cats) which is worse.  But on the
other hand, you don't want so many that they overrun your yard.

To establish the No-Kill system, we have to make sure that the city does not
have any mandatory licensing, permits or spay/neuter (requirements to be
eligible for grants).  We will also have to repeal the Pit Bull ordinance
and replace it with a responsible pet owner ordinance/dangerous dog
ordinance.  We also have to get the rescues and shelter in our area to
cooperate and understand what the final goal is (and the more the merrier as
long as all work together).  We will be applying for grants to establish all
of this.  

The key to its success is: cooperation among civil and government agencies
with no governmental interference in the manner of laws.

Chicago has one of the best No-Kill systems in play and have a 90-95%
adoption rate.  They are totally funded by grants.  Now Bob Barker and HSUS
(both say No-Kill does not work) are going in and demanding mandatory spay
and neuter laws which will undermine their entire system.  It is being
fought tooth and nail.

Nathan Winograd who established the concept of agencies working together and
the No-Kill system, took a county shelter (the name escapes me at this time)
that had a 99% kill rate and turned it around to a 99% adoption rate.  For
more information on all of this read his book: Redemption.  It will open
your eyes to the majority of these national organizations that collect money
but never relay it back into any system.  

If you want to help animals, help them in your own backyard first.  This is
what we intend to do.  We are already moving forward (as fast as the
Holidays allowed) and will be pursuing educating the public and getting the
cooperation of the rescues and shelters in this area.   They may choose to
join us or not, but it will behoove them to do so, but here again, there are
certain things that they have to do to be able to do so.


Cathy M

Catren's Shar Pei

Catren's Leather Show Accessories


[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: Feline Problem



O. No. I guess Ya didn't understand. I like my Ground Hog and all the
critters that come around and dart off. I wonder if that Ground Hog gets
sick and I don't treat it like a Family dog. If some crack pot from PETA or
some other crack origination that I am not aware of might bring a law suite
against me.

That Ground Hog don't eat anything but clover from my yard and now and then
it will eat the tops off my carrots. My fault !.

Don't Get Rid Of My Ground Hog.

Get Rid Of the IRS.

Larry Fairtax Melton



In a message dated 12/31/2008 8:43:23 AM Central Standard Time, writes:




The Animal Control people at the Health Department will set traps for you if
you call and request one.


Or, you could get a BB gun and pop'em when you catch one in your yard.




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