Probably most of you saw this notice earlier in the paper on December 30th.
Quite a few related stories in the News-Leader include these:
Related stories
Pay attention to city meeting (01/06/2009)Budget cuts discussed today 
(01/06/2009)Council to Burris: No on budgets (12/17/2008)Council supports plan 
to save police/fire pension (12/16/2008)Shortfall in city pension fund grows 
(12/12/2008)Council members support Burris' plan; public skeptical 
(12/11/2008)Binding city resolution sought on pension plan (12/10/2008)City's 
pension choices made sense, fire official says (12/09/2008)City sees pension 
fund tax proposal as vital (12/07/2008)Council sends tax plan to voters 
(11/25/2008)Council to tackle sales tax issue (11/24/2008)Burlison: Cut 
deferred 'bonuses' (11/20/2008)City pension fund losses grow 
(11/18/2008)Firefighters endorse sales tax (11/11/2008)LAGERS gets city's 
pension nod (10/31/2008)Repeal of existing city taxes suggested 
(10/30/2008)Burris seeks 1-cent tax to bolster pension fund 
(10/24/2008)Police/fire pension loses over $20 million (10/22/2008)Burris vows 
swift pension plan (09/19/2008)Sales tax might be pension solution (09/10/2008)
Springfield News-Leader online, Dec. 30, 2008:
Group stumping for sales tax
Alleviating police/fire pension shortfall is about safety, organizer says.
A group of community leaders is organizing a campaign to help pass a 1-cent 
sales tax in February for the city's police/fire pension fund.
Calling itself Citizens Keeping Our Commitment, the group filed organization 
papers with the Greene County clerk on Monday.
Its 16 founding members include chairman Robert Spence, president of Evangel 
University; Norm Ridder, superintendent of Springfield Public Schools; 
Springfield businessman Doug Pitt; and former library director Annie Busch.
The committee also includes two police officers and four firefighters.
Morey Mechlin, deputy treasurer of the group, said the committee's goal is to 
"make sure voters of the city have the information they need to make an 
informed choice."
The committee plans to mail literature to city residents about the pension 
fund's financial problem and about how a 1-cent sales tax would help alleviate 
the fund's $194 million shortfall.
If it can raise enough money, the group also might buy newspaper, radio and 
television ads, Mechlin said.
"Nobody likes taxes," she said. "I pay mine every year and I grumble.
"But our community made a commitment to our police and firefighters. It's about 
your safety, my safety, the community's safety. A pledge was made and we should 
keep it."
Mechlin, who recently managed the successful Question 1 statewide campaign to 
change the way local judges are selected, said Citizens Keeping Our Commitment 
will use a similar strategy.
The group hopes to deliver information about the complicated pension issue in a 
way that most city residents will be able to clearly understand, she said.
Spence said the group has hired Springfield-based pollster Mark Ellickson with 
Opinion Research Specialists to do a phone survey of city residents this 
"We want to get some scientific indication of people's perception of the 
problem and whether they understand the magnitude of it or not," Spence said. 
"We hope to get results back within a week."
Spence said the biggest challenge facing Citizens Keeping Our Commitment is to 
"keep clearly before us what the real issue is."
"It's not about whether a defined pension benefit is better, or about what was 
or wasn't done 10 years ago," Spence said. "My concern is that if this problem 
is not addressed now it will eventually suck a majority of the city's revenue 
and will adversely affect everything the city does."
Spence acknowledged the sales tax vote was coming at an inopportune time, with 
the economy in tatters and record numbers of home foreclosures.
"But that doesn't make the pension problem go away," he said. "It will only get 
worse if we don't do something about it."
According to the county clerk's office, Citizens Keeping Our Commitment has to 
file a campaign finance report by Jan. 26 -- eight days ahead of the sales tax 
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