'Smart' parking meters catching on across U.S.




Here is one more way that city officials can "track" you.  If a parking
meter expires, they know it, and you are ticketed promptly.


I hope this doesn't come to Springfield.  Doesn't anyone realize that some
laws are made as a deterrent, but the original intent was probably not to
punish a person every single time there is a little infraction.  Examples
would be running red lights, going over the time limit on a parking meter or
a 2-hr. parking limit on a street, etc.  The same could be true for any
traffic violation.  Most of these are small infractions.  True, they should
not be encouraged or endorsed, but to be punished via camera, satellite, and
wireless networks leaves no room for error (or for grace).


The article says: ". meters linked by wireless networks that can be remotely
controlled and alert officers to parking violations."

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