On Apr 27, 2009, at 1:48 PM, Tina Yearack wrote:

> I could not view any of the video, and only a handful of the pictures.
> I had to read this a couple of times, and I even Snopes'd it.   
> Couldn't find anything on Snopes.
> Is this in fact reliable information????  I saw the Google map of  
> the "supposed" caskets, and couldn't zoom in close enough to tell  
> what those things even are.

I do not know whether this is an engineered strain of flu or not or  
whether it was released on purpose, but there are some significant  
facts pointing to the possibility that it may be a man-made bug  
whether released on purpose, stolen and released on purpose, or escaped.

But as for 6 million deaths or anything like that, I doubt that very  
highly at this point. The rate of infections is not that high  
(especially if you stick to "confirmed" numbers) and the death rate  
per infection is tiny. It will spread further and it will probably  
kill more people, but nothing in the scheme of dangers that we face in  
daily life like psychotic chopstick murderers and choking on chicken  

I am much more worried about what PEOPLE will do right now than I am  
worried about this virus. I have a client in LA that has been trying  
to set up a job with me. I talked to her while she was in an LA Wal- 
Mart trying to wire money and she said that the place was a mob with  
people buying the store out of everything. I do not know if this is  
happening elsewhere. I have not been to a store lately.

Just sit back and ride it out. Do take the opportunity to look at your  
storage/preparation situation. We topped off our emergency water here  
just in case civil panic causes disruption in unitlities (and it is  
something we just try to do anyway--- just try to keep a horse trough  
filled with bottles of Evian...) but we are not rushing out to make  
sure we have a carload of bread, eggs, and milk (what the heck do  
these people do anyway, go home and make french toast?). We are taking  
the opportunity to talk to some of the neighbors we haven't been  
working with closely about how to handle things here if they get  
dicey, who might need help, who might be a source of help, how to  
contact each other, that sort of thing. Not a big deal. We are setting  
up a neighborhood watch here but that is more in response to some  
recent break-ins than anything else and we would have done it anyway.

Do NOT rush out and get a vaccine. The current vaccines will be  
useless against this strain, there is always the chance of side  
effects and infection FROM the vaccine and any new vaccine they rush  
into production is going to be actively dangerous until well after  
this incident is over.


Eric Vought
"Faith does not absolve us from trying to understand our world and  
make moral distinctions with the eyes and brain given us. Religion is  
as much responsibility as direction: Duty not Distinction."

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