June 9, 2009 
Hope for the Hopeless 
Illinois is hopeless. When John Tillman hears people say that about government 
in the Land of Lincoln, he gets pretty peeved. 
Tillman, head of the Illinois Policy Institute — a think tank offering what it 
calls “liberty-based public policy initiatives” — doesn't think battling big 
government is hopeless at all. For instance, the Institute helped generate 
support for transparency legislation that passed. 
And last week, as the state's legislative session closed, Governor Pat Quinn's 
proposed 50 percent income tax hike was soundly defeated . . . by the state's 
very blue legislature. 
How did that happen? 
Well, the first step is always to believe enough in your fellow citizens to 
wage a fight for their “hearts and minds.” Hope helps.
Next step? Getting the facts out. 
The argument for huge tax increases is always that government can't survive 
without the additional money. In a series of media appearances and grassroots 
events, Tillman and the Institute kept talking about sensible ways to cut 
Governor Quinn talked about the painful consequences if government didn't have 
more money. Tillman spoke about the painful consequences if working families, 
already paying high taxes, had to fork over still more dough. 
Kristina Rasmussen, the Institute's Executive Vice President, published a 
report entitled, “Would My Family Pay Higher Taxes Under Governor Quinn's 
Plan?” The answer for the average Illinois family was: Yes — 17 percent more. 
Hope wins again. Helped by hard work. 
This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 


Paul Jacob is President of Citizens in Charge and the Citizens in Charge 
Foundation, which sponsors both Common Sense and Paul's weekly Townhall Column. 
The opinions expressed in Common Sense are Paul Jacob's and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizens in Charge or the Citizens in Charge Foundation.


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