
Would you forward this message to the group? I sent it out several times,
and it's been lost in the ether every time. It doesn't even appear as a
'message for approval' in the managers' section. I'm dumfounded, confused,
bewildered, and several other states of less-than-normal being. At bare
minimum, it appears I do not possess necessary skills to be an effective
group manager.

Jim Hornaday

----- Forwarded Message ----
*From:* James Hornaday Jr. <>
*Sent:* Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:46:45 AM
*Subject:* Fw: Does the government really want to euthanize senior citizens?
Is this real problem? Or, is it going to be something you didn't think

Dear everybody on the MoLiCo Google list:

I have lived long enough that I feel I am being seriously threatened by the
current legislation -- legislation that admits they will limit treatment to
people on the basis of 'value' gained.

I have lived in Canada, which has a medical system very much like what is
being proposed by the government.   The Canadian government has reached a
financial limit as to how much medical treatment they can give back to their
citizens from their taxes. This limit is high, because they tax the hell out
of their citizens and residents to give them their "free medical treatment".
So, what happens when demand for service by all citizens is greater than
what can be financially supported?

1) They limit the number of doctors that can practice in Canada.
2) the medicare administrators 'decide' who needs medical service the most.
Are these administrators necessarily doctors? No!
3) They set up priority lists for individuals as to when they CAN get the
treatment they need.
4) Very often the priority is decided on the basis of age. The rationale has
been explained in the following terms: "A person that is 20 years old will
get more benefit from a heart operation than a person 85."

The end result is a gradual degradation of medical service as a citizen
ages.  Let me give you some personal examples.

1) While we were living in Canada, my wife (then aged about 48 or 49)
developed a very bad hip/ball joint problem. It was agreed she needed a hip
replacement right then. When did her place on the waiting list finally come
up to the point of "Let's do the hip replacement now?" SIX years! Six years
of pain and walking like a cripple. This is treatment?

2) My best friend in Canada (now 76) has had a kidney stone in his urinary
tract for six or seven months. I had a stone a year ago while living in
Springfield. Kidney stones hurt. I had it ultrasonically removed the day
after it started up. This guy back in Canada is in intermittent agony
whenever this stone shifts a little bit. His name on the treatment priority
list hasn't come up yet. He doesn't know when he will get this stone
removed. This is treatment?

So, is the government proposed legislation really going to arbitrarily
'euthanize' anybody that is on Medicare? Probably not. Nobody is Canada has
raised that point yet. Nonetheless, there are a lot of Canadian senior
citizens living in unnecessary pain and unnecessary disability because their
treatment is RATIONED. Maybe they are 'wishing' someone would euthanize

I've been through it. I'm in good health for my age. I enjoy my life. I just
know if I were living in Canada now, (or living in the US under the
government proposed medical system), I'd be in trouble at the first sign of
a new problem.   Think about it. Is this new legislation proposed by Obama
and Congress going to help you now? Will it help you as you grow older? Do
you want your treatment to be decided by some government administrator?
Should you believe EVERYTHING Congress and the Administration tell you about
this new legislation?

You have one vote from me for not believing the proposed legislation will be
universally wonderful, and simultaneously, I believe there will be some very
serious consequences for everybody if it is enacted into law.

Jim Hornaday


"no cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it"
~Will Turner~
~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

The power to tax involves the power to destroy.
~Justice John Marshall~

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics
won't take an interest in you!
-Pericles (430 B.C.)

A legislative act contrary to the Constitution is not law.
~Justice John Marshall~

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for the intellectual or emotional maturity of its members.  If you do not like 
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