Wow, this says it all.

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On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 9:19 AM, Robyn <> wrote:

> Below is a letter to the editor that Andrea 
> Berghold<>,
> a Campaign For Liberty member, sent to her local newspaper.  This is
> absolutely awesome and personally, I think deserves to be published in every
> paper in the nation, even if groups have to pay to have it put in their
> papers.
> August 21, 2009
> Leader Publications
> P O Box 159
> Festus MO 63028
> Dear Mr. Martin,
>    I wanted to thank you for taking the time to speak with me regarding
> your "Opinions" piece relating to healthcare reform. There are many reasons
> why this specific legislation is so personal to me. First and foremost, the
> proposed healthcare reform is unConstitutional, as is EVERY OTHER HEALTHCARE
> LEGISLATION AND REGULATION IN EXISTENCE in this country. Nowhere can it be
> found in our Constitution, Bill of Rights, or Declaration of Independence
> that healthcare should be funded, regulated, provided, or controlled by the
> federal government. Healthcare is a service, not a right. The entire issue
> is moot, because it's not within their listed powers to interfere with. That
> being said, our current Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Disability, and
> the many other new programs being forced upon us, are completely
> unConstitutional and should be phased out. They should remain in effect long
> enough to provide promised services to those that were forced to pay into
> it, and then be dissolved.
>    One (of several) reasons this will never be done is because our federal
> government is unable to admit their mistakes and take the necessary action
> to stop repeating them. I would be happy to provide examples:  The
> Department of Energy: Created in the 1970's out of a need to become less
> energy dependant on foreign suppliers.
> Results: After more than 30 years and hundreds of billions of dollars, we
> are MORE dependent on foreign suppliers now than before the creation of this
> department.
> What has the fed govt done about this enormous waste of time and money?
> They budget MORE time and MORE money.
> The Department of Education: Created out of a need to promote a higher
> level of education for our children. Also the inspiration for the creation
> of "No Child Left Behind." Results: Suffice it to say that MOST of the
> 'victims' of these programs are able to graduate from high school, yet are
> unable to perfom simple tasks like making change at McDonalds. The fed govts
> answer? Throw MORE MONEY at it.
> And one of my favorites, the Food & Drug Administration: Created out of a
> need to assure the safety of the food and drugs we ingest.
> Results: (Food) Mad Cow disease, bird flu, E-coli covered spinach, and
> 'toxic' peanut butter (just to name a few from recent years), and (Drug) Can
> you say, "Have you or a loved one experienced unexpected side effects from
> using (Rx)? Call our law firm at 1-800-OUR-BADD."
> The fed govts answer? We all know the FDA is still alive and kickin,' and
> I'm sure our fed govt is taking aim to throw more money at 'em.
>    There are hundreds of billions of our tax dollars being used for
> programs like these, all completely unConstitutional, and yet all still
> alive and sucking down our tax dollars faster than me and you can earn them.
>    Are the intentions all pure? I would hope so, but I can't prove either
> side. Are the ideas behind them worthy? Absolutely! Who in their right mind
> wouldn't want someone to look into alternate energy sources, and perform
> quality control checks on our food and drugs? Should our fed govt be in
> control of them? No way, no how. Imagine how many jobs would be created in
> the public sector (that's all of us, by the way) if there were companies
> that checked these things and could give their 'Seal of Approval' or a 'Star
> Rating System.' The competition would be in our best interest!! How many
> NON-fed govt businesses could make SO MANY mistakes like Mad Cow and E-coli
> spinach before they would be out of business? NONE! But not the FDA!!
> There's no incentive for you to do above average work when there's no
> healthy competition for your job.
>    I know that Obama promises that a National Healthcare Program (NHP, for
> simplicity) would bring about competition in the insurance industry, but who
> really believes that? Government and competition simply cannot co-exist. How
> many other seals of approval are on food containers? None, because there is
> NO competing with the govt funded FDA, and there will be no competing with
> NHP, especially when there is a list of rules 1,018 pages long that the
> entire industry would have to follow, whether they want to participate or
> not. That's not really a fair competition.
>    Now, about the cost of NHP. Obama has stated that it wouldn't be free,
> and because we all know that nothing in life ever is, it will be up to
> taxpayers to pay for the 47 million+ people that would now be receiving
> insurance.
>    First, it's important to make the distinction between insurance and
> healthcare. Right now, if I need to make an appointment with my doctor, I
> can expect that it will probably take a week or two to be seen for
> non-urgent visits. The office may be able to fit me in within 24 hours if I
> say that it's urgent, otherwise I would go to the ER for emergencies. The
> key here is that I have insurance. Now let's say that NHP is in effect and
> EVERYONE has insurance, and I would like to schedule an appointment with my
> doctor. It will now take several weeks and possibly months to be seen, and
> if it's urgent, I will sit in the waiting room at the emergency room for
> several hours and possibly days to be seen. It has to be understood that an
> increase of 47 million+ new insured patients will not automatically
> introduce the million or more doctors, specialists, nurses, and other
> healthcare providers into the system that will be needed, and there you have
> the 'rumored' rationing. If there is anyone out there that can explain how
> care will NOT be rationed, and that there won't be loss of life from waiting
> for treatment or testing, please help me to understand, because as Obama's
> proposed healthcare legislation stands, it will be an unavoidable
> side-effect of govt meddling. What I think most people are not seeing is
> that INSURANCE for ALL will eventually lead to HEALTHCARE for NONE. When
> you're sitting in the emergency room for hours on end, you will receive no
> comfort from your insurance card...THAT is a promise you can take to the
> bank.
>    This letter will end up being as long as the legislation if I don't
> stick to the point, but the fact is, our fed govt has taken a large ball of
> twine and twisted it and knotted it all up, so that everything is somehow
> connected to something else, which leads to public fear when it's time to
> untangle it. The fact is, if the fed govt was forced to completely untangle
> itself from all of the unConstitutional issues it's weaved itself into, the
> people in our great nation would have an opportunity to utilize personal
> knowledge, experience, creativity, and work ethic to solve the many
> situations we have allowed our fed govt to seize control of. We should not
> be asking the fed govt for answers to problems IT created!
>   I have to say, also, that in reference to your OpinionS article, you
> stated, "The Medicare they receive is provided by - Surprise! - the federal
> government. So are the interstate highways they drive on and the military
> that protects them." To be more correct, the Medicare they receive is
> provided by tax dollars from a system WE ALL paid into, and shouldn't be
> thought of as our govt 'just tryin to be nice'. WE PAID for that! Same with
> the interstate system...we ALL pay taxes, registration, license fees,
> tickets and fines, etc. to pay for our streets and interstates. The military
> was supposed to be paid for with Income Tax collected on the PROFITS of
> corporations (think BigPharma??), and NOT on our individual labor. But that
> was back when the wisdom of the founding fathers envisioned "peace,
> commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with
> none." Since it's become the fed govt's past-time to meddle in the affairs
> of others and plop military bases all over the world, well, that can get a
> little bit expensive from what I hear. Makes one wonder what WE Americans
> would think if say, Saudi Arabia or China plopped a military base here in
> St. Louis, or in Washington, D.C., but that's a whole other can of worms our
> big brother has opened up for us all...
>   One other point I would like to mention. In the 'Letters to the Editor'
> section of the same edition, there was one titled 'Tire angel goes by name
> of 'Alan." This is a perfect example of how, when charity is not forced,
> people will 'rise to the occasion.' Back before Lyndon Johnson started the
> Medicare/Medicaid programs, and later the HMO/PPO/Managed Healthcare
> Systems, doctors and patients had the freedom to negotiate fees and
> services. When the regulations were set into place (for OUR own good, mind
> you), doctors no longer had the FREEDOM to negotiate with their patients. If
> they were discovered charging different prices to different patients, they
> could be fined or removed from that network, thus the end of spontaneous
> acts of kindness and the freedom of performing charitable acts. If a doctor
> wants to treat a patient for less than what the HMO/PPO regulates, that
> should be his/her personal free choice, after all, it was THEY that attended
> medical school, and THEY that pay student loans, and THEY that provide the
> service, but their freedom to be charitable has been stripped away by govt
> regulation.
>    How many of you out there want a "No Child Left Behind" graduate to
> determine YOUR insurance benefits? How many of you want a govt bureaucrat
> with no personal stake in you or your family to decide if 'grandma even
> get's to be plugged in to begin with?' More importantly, shouldn't it be MY
> choice if I want to max out my credit cards, sell everything I own and
> mortgage my home to save my life, without turning it into a federal case??
>    The Constitution was written by the very people that fought a tyrannical
> govt, if only to turn over a country rich with freedom and personal liberty
> to it's children. Those children have handed said freedoms and liberties
> back to the govt on a silver platter with the understanding that the govt is
> to take care of them, cradle-to-grave.
>    This whole mess isn't about liberal vs conservative, left-wing vs
> right-wing, dem vs repub. When all of those labels that are meant to divide
> us are stripped away, we are all Americans that want the best for our
> parents, our children, our neighbors, and ourselves. In a perfect world, we
> SHOULD all have health insurance, but the fact is, it's not a perfect world,
> and not everyone will have it. Those that don't should be able to rely on
> their families and the ability to privately negotiate with a provider
> (without the fear of govt involvement or punishment), and various charitable
> organizations.
>   The truth is, the majority of people feel better when they are
> charitable, as you can see by the number of people that donate to
> organizations like BirthRight and GoodWill, food pantries, cash donations
> for Muscular Dystrophy and others as seen hanging in the drive thru windows
> at fast food restaurants, the people that sponsor families at Thanksgiving
> and Christmas, etc. People, for the most part, WANT to be kind and
> charitable.
> A free market approach to healthcare WOULD work, IF we force our fed govt
> to uphold their sworn oath to the Constitution.
>    Thanks again for speaking with me about this, and for taking the time to
> read it. I realize there is NO WAY this will be printed due to length, and
> that wasn't really my goal. I just wanted to be able to say that some things
> are better left to the govt, such as preserving, protecting, and defending
> our country and the freedoms and liberties it's citizens enjoy. The car I
> drive, the mortgage lender I use, the credit contracts I enter into, and my
> families healthcare would be issues I think I should be able to decide on
> based on my INDIVIDUAL needs and the needs of my family, just as YOU should
> be able to decide what's in the best interest of yours.
> For Liberty,
> Andrea Berghold
> Festus MO 63028

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