As the 9.12 March on Washington Approaches, Two Important “To-Do” Items. 
Dear Friend, 

It's hard to believe that the 9.12 Taxpayer March on Washington is almost 
here.  In less than two weeks, thousands of conservative, limited government 
advocates will be marching on Capitol Hill to deliver our message of freedom.  
Item #1: Help Us Reach our Funding Goal 
Whether you can come to DC or not, I hope I can count on you to be a part of 
the 9-12 movement.  Your support will make our event a success.  
The good news is that thanks to the generosity of freedom-loving supporters 
like you, we have achieved 80% of our fundraising goal and now have the 
resources to secure many of the things we need for the event including a stage, 
necessary audio equipment, portable restrooms, and even a giant video screen 
that will magnify the images of speakers for the entire crowd. 
But to push things over the top in these final days leading up to 9.12 and to 
silence those in the liberal media and other Leftist forces like who 
want to see us fail, I need your help in this final push to make sure we get to 
100% of our fundraising goal. 
Click here to invest in freedom! 
As more and more people plan to come to 9.12, we need additional portable 
restrooms, more event barricades, and I want to add another giant video screen 
so that more attendees will enjoy the event and benefit from its limited 
government message. 
Help us in these final days leading up to 9.12 and let’s put on an event that 
Obama, Pelosi, and others on the liberal Left will never forget! 

Item #2: Send a Powerful Message to Congress and The White House on Health Care 
I also want to let you know about another way you can be a part of the 9.12 
movement and make your voice heard on one of the most important issues facing 
us today. 
A friend of FreedomWorks, the National Center for Policy Analysis will be 
delivering the most important petition ever delivered to Congress on September 
9th to communicate that American's want free-market health care, and not 
government-run health care.   
Currently 1.175 million Americans have signed.  We need your voices added to 
deliver to Congress, 1.3 million signatures on September 9th.    To reach that 
goal, we just need 125,000 additional signers to present the largest policy 
petition ever delivered.  Please sign, pass it on to all yours friends and 
family, and send it along to at least 10 others. 
I believe this petition is an extraordinarily powerful tool in the fight 
against government-run health care, and if we can deliver 1.3 million 
signatures I know it will send shockwaves through the halls of Congress that 
will reach Nancy Pelosi in the Speaker’s Office! 
I again encourage you to sign the petition for free-market health care reform 
and help our friends at the National Center for Policy Analysis send a powerful 
message to Obama, Pelosi, and others who continue to push for a hostile 
takeover of America’s health care system.   

Dick Armey 

P.S. With less than two weeks until the historic 9.12 Taxpayer March on 
Washington, I need your help to ensure its success and prevent forces on the 
Left from undermining our free-market, limited government message. Click here 
to support the March! 

601 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Suite 700
Washington, District of Columbia 20004
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