---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: TYCOA Membership <members...@tycoa.com>
Date: Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 6:50 PM
Subject: Confusion concerning the Day at the Capital
To: members...@tycoa.com

[image: TYCOA.jpg]

Due to the confusion from previous e-mails, here is the whole story.

On Wednesday, January 12, 2011, The Y.O.U.N.G. Conservatives of America are
having a Legislative Day at the Capitol in Jefferson City. The main purpose
of the day is to make the legislators familiar with TYCOA. We will be
distributing a visual reminder of the list of the eight criteria for the
Locke & Smith Award. If you were at the last general meeting you saw an
example. We would like to have this on the desk of every legislator in
Jefferson City. We will also handout the finalist’s certificates to the
legislators who did not attend the inaugural banquet.

The legislative sessions in the House and Senate start at 10:00. Groups of
visiting guests can be introduced on the floor of the House and Senate by
their representative. (Legislators like tooting their own horn) We would
like to have at least some of the members there by 9:30 so we can show a
presence with an introduction. Because we are going early in the legislative
session, there is very little business to do and the sessions are usually
over in 1 hour. We need everyone there by 11:00 to start distributing the
Locke & Smith criteria. There will be a few hours after lunch to continue
the distribution. The legislators are usually done by 3:00 or 4:00 at the
latest. We should be through with the distribution by 2:00 so most of the
members can leave and get back to Springfield by 5:00.

If you can attend, send us an e-mail indicating when you would like to leave
(early 6:30 or late 8:00), if you can drive and how many you can take with
you and when you want to leave (early 2:00 or late 3:00). There is a parking
garage (pay) a few blocks from the Capitol.

We hope we can get a lot of our members to make the trip.

Dr. John Lilly


The Y.O.U.N.G. Conservatives of America
610-A E. Battlefield, Suite 110
Springfield, MO 65807

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~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

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~Justice John Marshall~

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