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----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Mark Mix <mark....@righttoworkcommittee.org>
To: Carl Herd <linda.h...@sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Thu, January 20, 2011 2:35:35 PM
Subject: Right to Work on the Radio: Ugly Union Violence

Dear Carl ,

"Kick the (expletive) out of every last one of them."

That's what AFL-CIO top boss Richard Trumka said about workers who wouldn't 
follow his dictates back when he was the head of the violent United Mine 
(UMW) union.

In fact, Trumka's in-their-face, podium-pounding rhetoric often seemed to 
violence against workers who dared to challenge the union-boss line and 
continued working in order to provide for their families.

UMW strikes were marked by extreme levels of militancy and violence, most 
notably the 1993 murder of Eddie York.

I discussed York's murder this week on WIBA Radio in Madison, Wisconsin, in 
light of Trumka's recent attempt to politicize the horrible tragedy in Tucson 
lecturing other Americans about their language.

As I tell host Vicki McKenna, Richard Trumka is either disturbingly 
or cynically hypocritical.

A judge in Virginia found regarding a 1989 UMW strike that "the evidence shows 
beyond any shadow of a doubt that violent activities are being organized, 
orchestrated and encouraged by the leadership of this union."

Please click here to listen to the interview, in which we also discuss the push 
in Wisconsin for a state Right to Work law, which would protect 
independent-minded workers while making union bosses more accountable to 
rank-and-file members by allowing workers to "vote with their wallets."

And for more about Richard Trumka's ugly career, download the National Right to 
Work Foundation's fact sheet.

I'm sure you'll be as disturbed as I am by his blatant hypocrisy.

Mark Mix

P.S. The Committee relies on the voluntary support of individual Americans who 
believe in our cause and wish to advance our programs. Please consider chipping 
in with a contribution of $10 or more today. 


The National Right to Work Committee is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, 
citizens' organization dedicated to combating compulsory unionism through an 
aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to compulsory 
and, at the same time, enlist public support for Right to Work legislation. The 
Committee's mailing address is 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, Virginia 22160. 
The Committee can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-325-7892. Its web address is 

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