Send this to your friends, whether you agree or not to the Health Plan. This 
decision could be called as unethical otherwise. Either way this would be 

Linda Herd

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "Becky Bond, CREDO Action" <>
To: Linda Marie Herd <>
Sent: Thu, February 10, 2011 10:29:59 AM
Subject: Clarence Thomas.

  Tell Clarence Thomas: Recuse yourself 
A supreme ethical conflict  
To protect the honor of the highest court in the land, Thomas must recuse 
himself from deliberations on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection 
and Affordable Care Act. 

Clicking here will add your name to the letter to Justice Thomas. 

Dear Linda,
A case challenging the constitutionality of the health care reform bill passed 
by Congress is headed to the Supreme Court, and Justice Clarence Thomas has a 
supreme ethical conflict. 

It's been widely reported that the Thomas family has financial ties to the 
conservative organizations leading the campaign to bring down our new health 
care law — the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. 

Rep. Anthony Weiner and 73 other members of Congress have signed a letter 
detailing the appearance of ethical conflict and asking Justice Thomas to 
himself from deliberations on the constitutionality of health care reform. 

We're asking you to sign a companion letter that Rep. Weiner — a champion of 
progressive issues — will deliver to the Supreme Court along with the letter 
signed by members of Congress. 

Tell Justice Clarence Thomas: Recuse yourself from deliberations on the 
constitutionality of health care reform. Click here to automatically sign the 
letter below. 

The letter to Justice Thomas reads: 
As an Associate Justice, you are entrusted with the responsibility to exercise 
the highest degree of discretion and impartiality when deciding a case. We join 
Rep. Anthony Weiner and other members of Congress in writing to note our 
surprise at recent revelations of your financial ties to leading organizations 
dedicated to lobbying against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. 
write today to respectfully ask that you maintain the integrity of this court 
and recuse yourself from any deliberations on the constitutionality of this act.
>The appearance of a conflict of interest merits recusal under federal law. 
>what we have already seen, the line between your impartiality and you and your 
>wife's financial stake in the overturn of health care reform is blurred. Your 
>spouse is advertising herself as a lobbyist who has "experience and 
>and appeals to clients who want a particular decision — they want to overturn 
>health care reform. Moreover, your failure to disclose Ginni Thomas's receipt 
>$686,589 from the Heritage Foundation, a prominent opponent of health care 
>reform, between 2003 and 2007 has raised great concern.
>This is not the first case where your impartiality was in question. As Common 
>Cause points out, you "participated in secretive political strategy sessions, 
>perhaps while the case was pending, with corporate leaders whose political 
>were advanced by the [5-4] decision" on the Citizens United case. Your spouse 
>also received an undisclosed salary paid for by undisclosed donors as CEO of 
>Liberty Central, a 501(c)(4) organization that stood to benefit from the 
>decision and played an active role in the 2010 elections.
>Given these facts, there is a strong conflict between the Thomas household's 
>financial gain through your spouse's activities and your role as an Associate 
>Justice of the United States Supreme Court. We urge you to recuse yourself 
>this case. If the US Supreme Court's decision is to be viewed as legitimate by 
>the American people, this is the only correct path.
>We appreciate your thoughtful consideration of this request. 
Click here to automatically sign your name to our letter to Justice Thomas that 
will be delivered to the Supreme Court by progressive champion Rep. Anthony 

Thomas failed to disclose that his wife Ginni Thomas received a total of 
$686,589 in compensation from the Heritage Foundation.1 Furthermore his wife is 
currently advertising herself as a lobbyist who has "experience and 
to conservative groups who have an explicit agenda to overturn health care 
reform — by repeal in the Congress or overturning the law in the courts.2 

Justice Thomas is no stranger to questions of ethics. Along with Justice 
Scalia he attended meetings organized by the secretive, Tea Party-funding 
billionaire Koch brothers. The Koch brothers have been key players in rewriting 
the political landscape after the Citizens United Supreme Court decision 
unleashed the floodgates of corporate money in federal politics.3 And Thomas' 
wife has received an undisclosed salary paid for by undisclosed donors as CEO 
Liberty Central, a 501(c)(4) organization that was formed to take advantage of 
Citizens United rules and to play an active role in the 2010 elections. 

Unlike other members of the federal judiciary, Supreme Court Justices have no 
specific code of ethics to which they may be held accountable. But there is a 
clear appearance of a conflict of interest between his wife's clear financial 
stake in overturning the health care law and Justice Thomas' personal duty to 
exhibit the highest degree of discretion and impartiality. To protect the honor 
of the highest court in the land, Thomas must recuse himself from deliberations 
on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. 

Tell Justice Clarence Thomas: Recuse yourself from deliberations on the 
constitutionality of health care reform. Clicking here will automatically sign 
your name to the above letter. 

Becky Bond, Political Director 
CREDO Action from Working Assets 
1"What else haven't they told us?" Common Cause, Jan. 21, 2011.
2"Adventures of Ginni Thomas," Ben Smith, Politico, Feb. 4, 2011.
3"Justices Scalia And Thomas's Attendance At Koch Event Sparks Judicial Ethics 
Debate," Sam Stein, Huffington Post, Oct. 20, 2010. 

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