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From: Common Sense <commonse...@citizensincharge.org>
Date: Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 8:19 AM
Subject: And the Award Goes To... (Paul Jacob outdoes the Oscars)
To: t.ma...@gmail.com


February 28, 2011
 And the Award Goes To...

With last night's Oscars on everybody's noggins, I'll hand out a few of my
own awards, just to keep in the spirit of this news cycle.

Best performance by a lead actor? This last year Rep. John Boehner came out
to challenge Glenn Beck as chief public weeper, and he gave a good showing.
Still, the award has to go to Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama, for making *
us* cry.

Best performance by a lead actress? I am tempted to award Hillary Clinton,
for her work trying to make U.S. foreign policy seem plausible, but, really,
it's unraveling every day, and she seems too oblivious to reality to deserve
accolades. So, the honor goes to Nancy Pelosi, for her role as outgoing
House Speaker. She may not have done it all that well, but it was a pleasure
to see her leave.

Best foreign language effort? This has got to be a tie, between the
Tunisians and the Egyptians, kicking out their non-term-limited tyrants.

Best first-run, open-in-all-venues effort? That has to be the Tea Party
showing last November. Breaking a long stretch of largely united governments
-- legislative and executive branches united under one party, first
Republican and then Democrat -- the Tea Party voters sent a well-deserved
chill down politicians' backs.

It's worth noting that the Tea Party merited Independent Spirit Award
attention, too. True independence of spirit is rare in big-time politics.
Let's hope it continues for another major showing next year.

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.
 Comment on this


Paul Jacob is President of Citizens in Charge and Citizens in Charge
which sponsors both Common
Paul's weekly Townhall
The opinions expressed in Common Sense are Paul Jacob's and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of Citizens in Charge or Citizens in Charge

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