Liberalism's embrace of big government has made it into the party of 
uncontrolled consumption
A Crisis of Unsustainable Consumption

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 - Daniel Greenfield  Tuesday, March 15, 2011 

The budget stalemate between the right and the left comes down to a basic 
difference in economic views, the left feels that we need to tax more in order 
to consume more money, and the right believes that we need to consume less 
money in order to tax less. Whichever side of the argument you come down on, 
it’s not hard to see which of these positions is fundamentally unsustainable. 
And it is amazing that the same people who can and do lecture for hours on 
environmental sustainability, seem to have no grasp of economic sustainability. 
If you tell them that the solution to high fish prices is to catch more fish, 
they will tell you right away that you’ll fish out the lake. But tell them that 
the deficit is too high and their immediate solution will be to tax more, never 
considering the possibility that it’s possible to tax human resources, as much 
as natural resources. 

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Liberalism’s embrace of big government has made it into the party of 
uncontrolled consumption
Liberalism’s embrace of big government has made it into the party of 
uncontrolled consumption. While with one hand they force energy efficiency and 
recycling on the public, with the other they display no conservationist 
instincts at all when it comes to the public’s money. This paradoxical attitude 
leads to tightfistedness when it comes to everything from light bulbs to 
plastic bags to toilet paper, and spendthrift ways when it comes to money. 
Forget to turn off a light bulb when you leave a room and you’re a monster, but 
a few billion dollars here and there doesn’t amount to anything.
There’s a touch of Marie Antoinette to the spectacle of a government which is 
fiscally irresponsible, yet obsessed with the fast food purchases and soda can 
recycling habits of its subjects. A lifestyle of carbon neutral piety that they 
preach, but never quite practice except in showy ways and on special occasions. 
People may forgive irresponsibility in a government that expects little from 
them or imposed austerity in a government that practices it from the top down. 
But imposed austerity from an irresponsible government is quite another thing. 
It’s more than hypocrisy, it’s the practice of tyranny. Taking from the many to 
give to the few.
The media organs of liberalism act as if everything is a non-renewable 
resource, except money. But where does money come from? Quite a few politicians 
seem to be convinced that they create money by passing laws, which is just 
wrong enough to be right, and just right enough to be very wrong. We may run 
out of oil, gas, coal, wood and just about everything else—but the elite is 
certain that we will never run out of money in this wonderful new paperless 
global economy. And if we ever do, we’ll just print some more. The 
virtualization of money means that it’s treated as an imaginary value defined 
only in relation to economic and social policies, and those government policies 
are treated as a means of creating wealth.
If you want more money, you must have more big government. That’s the economic 
policy of every branch of government at every level. The more money an agency 
spends, the more it can demand. Social services agencies hunt for more 
‘clients’ to serve. Defense projects roll through that the military doesn’t 
want. Politicians stuff in their pork, and even the ones who claim to believe 
in fiscal discipline say that if they don’t grab their constituents’ share of 
the money someone else will. It’s like a going out of business sale in which 
everyone grabs what they can, but it’s taxpayer money and national debt that’s 
on sale. ‘Use it or lose it’, is the mandate.
Manufacturing demand for spending becomes a means of preserving power
Manufacturing demand for spending becomes a means of preserving power. During a 
recession governments spend more money to save the economy—even though they are 
what the economy needs saving from. And then they spend money to cut costs, 
which is a classic example of an addict’s rationalization. Government policy is 
to do anything and everything short of not spending money. Because money is 
power. Their power. Legislatures are numerous. There is only so much an 
individual in a legislature can do. Passing laws is difficult. But spending 
money is easy.
Michael Moore calls for treating wealth as a national resource. The government 
has been treating individual wealth as a national resource all along. But 
personal wealth is finite. So is national wealth. Debt on the other hand can be 
virtually infinite, until people stop lending you money or the underlying 
system collapses.
Appetite always outstrips available resources. Individuals and governments can 
always consume more than they make. Debt turns appetite into consumption. It 
allows for the practice of ‘Wimpy economics’, forever paying Tuesday for a 
hamburger today. And we’ve got a bad case of ‘Wimpy economics’. Paul Krugman 
won a Nobel prize in economics for his own brand of ‘Wimpy economics’, but even 
debt has its limits. Your ability to borrow diminishes with your ability to 
repay the original debt. Too big to fail, just means enough credibility to get 
deep into debt, but it doesn’t mean a bottomless well of money.
Or to put it in a way that Moore can understand. His capacity for eating food 
will always outpace his ability to pay for it. Moore is capable of eating a 
dozen of Burger King’s ‘The Burger’ with ‘Wagyu beef, white truffles, Pata 
Negra ham slices, Cristal onion straws, Modena balsamic vinegar, lambs lettuce, 
pink Himalayan rock salt, organic white wine and shallot infused mayonnaise in 
an Iranian saffron and white truffle dusted bun’, washing them down with 
bottles of $160,000 a bottle Chateau Lafitte and a 25,000 dollar chocolate 
sundae served in a goblet with edible gold. But even he would have trouble 
paying for it.
Appetite outstrips resources. That’s where some form of sustainability has to 
come into the picture. It is possible for the government to keep running up 
deficits, until the system implodes. Harvesting more money from corporations 
and the rich may delay that day temporarily, but it will not address the 
underlying problem. And that problem is consumption based. And it is a problem 
that cannot be solved by harvesting resources more efficiently. Either the 
government’s appetite for uncontrolled spending is curbed, or the whole 
economic ecosystem collapses.
Raising taxes during a depression is as smart as overhunting a territory during 
a punishing winter
Raising taxes during a depression is as smart as overhunting a territory during 
a punishing winter. You can only kill so many elk, before you put too much 
stress on the population. Unfortunately the advocates of big government 
spending are convinced that people with money are an infinitely renewable 
resource who are part of a conspiracy to keep money away from them. Which 
allows them to rationalize their bad fiscal policies using class warfare 
conspiracy theories.
The left says that the problem is that the rich are greedy. The right says that 
the problem is that government is greedy. And in the economic ecosystem, it is 
the ultimate predator. The biggest, the fiercest and the hardest to resist. 
That also makes it the most dangerous. A predator at the top of the economic 
food chain with no limits on his territory or his appetite, means the 
extinction of all the species that he preys upon, and then of the species who 
are parasitically or symbiotically dependent on him.
Are we to be more concerned with the predator at the top of the food chain, or 
the predators who are next in line, particularly when the predator at the top 
of the food chain continues to expand his territory and become more aggressive, 
while the predators below him fall into a decline. The appetite of government 
has grown along with its ability to requisition whatever funds it wants. What 
we have then is a crisis of consumption.
Taxing the rich is only a more efficient way of stripping the ecosystem’s 
resources, and when that happens what then? Escalating government spending 
means an unlimited appetite. Personal wealth is limited. National wealth is 
limited. All resources are finite, even debt. The crisis of consumption remains 
inescapable. It cannot be outspent or outtaxed or outrhetoriced. It remains a 
crisis, so long as unsustainable consumption remains a tool of power in 
Washington D.C. and at all levels of government.
If the crisis was one of insufficient taxation, as the left insists, then 
taxing every wealthy American would still not even begin to cover the current 
deficit. Blame the rich as much as you want, deficit spending backed by higher 
taxes is still completely unsustainable. And therefore irresponsible. Even 
taxing the wealthy of the entire planet could not fill a constantly escalating 
‘Wimpy economics’ says that if we get the deficit high enough, our economy will 
becomes so vital that we will be able to reduce the deficit. This isn’t 
economics, it’s a shell game, in which deficit spending today is justified 
using a potential recovery. If the recovery comes, then clearly getting deeper 
into debt worked. And if it doesn’t, then as Paul Krugman has said of the 
stimulus plan, we clearly didn’t spend enough.
We have gone from a nation where economic policy was determined by businessmen, 
to a nation where it is determined by professional politicians
We have gone from a nation where economic policy was determined by businessmen, 
to a nation where it is determined by professional politicians. And the latter 
don’t know very much about any business other than their own, which is to spend 
money. Money to them is imaginary, a long set of zeroes on a piece of paper, 
detached from anything real. And there are always self-serving justifications 
for going down the same bad road, for viewing taxpayers and their money as an 
infinite resource that can never be exhausted so long as the sun burns in the 
Treating energy as a finite resource and money as an infinite resource confuses 
one with the other. There is an infinite amount of available energy, but wealth 
is finite. The sun beams out more energy than we could possibly use, and 
governments spends more money than could possibly exist. But while the left 
worries about sustainable energy, it spares no thought for sustainable 
spending. While energy can neither be created nor destroyed, wealth can be and 

"Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of 
opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of 
increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all 
its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” - Harry S. 

"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, 
or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and 
evidence." - John Adams

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually 
come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State 
can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences 
of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its 
powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and 
thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one 
fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a 
few points and repeat them over and over.”
“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”

— Paul Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 
to 1945

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless 
minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." - Samuel Adams

"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by 
evil men." - Plato

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not." - 
Thomas Jefferson


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