---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ron Calzone <r...@mofirst.org>
Date: Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 12:34 PM
Subject: MO-CPR: Great Court Victory for Eminent Domain Reform

 Click Here to view this in your web browser. <http://www.mo-cpr.org>

[image: CPR-Logo]
 [image: MO Flag] ....all political power is vested in and derived from the
people; that all government of right originates from the people ...(Article
I § 1 Missouri Constitution)

*Court Rules in Favor of
Missouri Citizens for Property Rights!*

To the Defenders of Property Rights:

Jefferson City, MO Wednesday, April 20, 2011: Cole County Circuit Court
Judge Daniel R. Green ruled in favor of Missouri Citizens for Property
Right's position in the challenge to our eminent domain initiative petition
ballot titles.

The judge gave us everything we wanted, including a bench decision. That
means he ruled on the spot without taking the typical weeks to hand down a

It was clear that the judge saw how our rights were being abused through
misuse of the courts. At one point he even commented, “So Mr. Calzone is the
only one here not being paid by government.”

The plaintiffs in the court challenge are headed up by the Missouri
Municipal League, an organization funded by dues from towns and cities
across the state – dues from taxpayers' pocket books.

As you may recall, the Secretary of State purposely added language different
than that which was ordered by the appeals court in our last ballot title
challenge. Those six extra words gave the Missouri Municipal League an
additional excuse to litigate – it was a malicious act by someone who is
supposed to be a public servant and I'm sure the judge saw it that way.

The taxpayers are paying for the litigation being used to keep them from the
opportunity to vote to stop the abuse of government eminent domain power!

MML now has ten days to appeal the case to the Western Court of Appeals. I'm
confident they will. I am also confident that we will be able to shorten the
appeal process even more than we did the circuit court, since we can easily
make the case that this is simply a rehash of our court case from 2010.

Stay tuned, we are getting closer to putting petitions on the street!

For the last four session of the Missouri legislature, we have been fighting
to fix some basic problems with the petition process in Missouri.

At first we were fighting against bills that would result in making
petitions a tool only available to those with deep pockets at best or even
no one at all, but the last couple of years we have been able to go on the
offensive, with legislation that would level the playing field –
particularly by limiting the length of time a petition can be tied up in

Controversy over Proposition B (dog breeders) has killed any positive
developments and may even put us back on the defensive. We will continue to
fight to protect the People's constitutional right to petition their
government for a redress of grievances – your help is always appreciated.

For more details, go to http://www.mo-cpr.org

Thanks for hanging with us,

Ron Calzone, chairman
Missouri Citizens for Property Rights

   Paid for by Missouri Citizens for Property Rights
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