Title: Daily News - What's most pressing for programmers?
The Code Project Insider The Code Project
Tuesday, November 04, 2008 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Interested in Silverlight development?
Telerik released RadControls for Silverlight RC1 which is compatible against Microsoft Silverlight 2 RTW. Great new controls examples are added to the suite. Try now!
Have you got SQL fingers?
Some developers seem to write SQL queries amazingly fast and accurately. What is their secret? Do they have magic SQL fingers? No. They use Red Gate SQL Prompt. "This is a must-have tool for all T-SQL developers." Brian Brewder. Download your copy here.

Industry News

Coffee, Jolt or Red Bull?
Source: eWeek
CNN discovers what we've known for years
Source: CNN
"I'm unbreakable. Unstoppable. I'm invincible. Come on bring it to me"
Source: Infoworld
"too long; didn't read"
Source: The Register
Is your company hiring? The new jobs.codeproject.com provides both employers and job seekers a focused venue for developer jobs worldwide. Post your job vacancy to over 3 million developers a month.

Developer News

Beware the flux transfer events!
Source: Space.com
Google wants to add "graphing engine" to the list of things you can't live without
Source: Google
"My hovercraft is full of eels"
Source: News.com
Mr. Oslo 2008
Source: ZDNet
Now you can have both scalability and high availability for your ASP.NET server farm! ScaleOut StateServer’s distributed cache offloads your database and ensures high availability with intelligent replication.
No charge 30 day trial evaluation download.

Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

Please, no one pick anything by Celine Dion
Source: The Code Project
"Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally"
Source: The Code Project
Master Object Oriented Design & Development with 30+ hours of self-paced developer training in C# or VB from InnerWorkings. List price $299, only $199 for CodeProject devs – a 33% savings! Order online by Nov. 15, check-out with coupon IWCODEOD.

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