Title: Daily News - Technology resume gaffes to avoid
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Industry News

"We will sell no wine before its time"
Source: PC World
The tubes are full
Source: Infoworld
When is open source not Open Source?
Source: Codeplex
I warn you, it's going to kill the radio star
Source: Webware
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Developer News

When you never leave the office, can you leave work?
Source: Live Science
You mean it's not, "ask the legal department to find something that hasn't been used yet"?
Source: CIO.com
Over 20 years experience in C#
Source: Computerworld
The only program that can be hacked is a running one
Source: Internet News
Rackspace is the hosting provider that has survived every economic downturn.
We're financially sound and rapidly growing, all because we have perfected the hosting solutions and support that help you work even more economically and intelligently.

Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

Clubs are never appropriate
Source: The Code Project
"The first impression is the last impression"
Source: The Code Project
Zero-Code platform
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