
I was looking into rb-tree for a multiset where I could use leafs as key counts. This is based on code by Alex Shinn which uses SRFI-146 which I had trouble using. I thought rb-tree could be useful here.

I noticed from reviewing the /src/runtime/rbtree.scm an undocumented function called rb-tree/update! which takes two optional arguments.

The function invokes apply-fail as follows (apply-fail fail 'rb-tree/update!) but apply-fail is defined below with three arguments (apply-fail fail key caller).

Could it be passing the key is missing from rb-tree/update! ?

If yes, how can I fix this myself for my local version of scheme? I tried making the change and running Setup.sh / configure / make / make install with no luck.

Could you show me an example of how to call this function so that I can handle the case of a new key setting its value count to 1?



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