(define (open-port source)
(open-input-file source))
(define (compte-char source )   
(let ((p (open-port source)))
  (let f ((x (read-char p)))
    (cond ((eof-object? x)
          (close-input-port p)
        (cons x (f (read-char p))))))))

Broseph wrote:
> Hello, I am an undergrad math student at Whittier college, and I have been
> trying to figure out how to read lines from a text file into a list of
> characters in scheme. I plan on using a list of prime numbers output from
> a python script i wrote, but i am having trouble getting the text from the
> file into a list. Could someone show me how this could be done? The file I
> am using has each prime number on a new line like this:
> 2
> 3
> 5
> 7
> 11
> 13
> etc.
> I want to put it into a list like this:
> ((#\2) (#\3) (#\5) (#\7) (#\1 #\1) (#\1 #\3))
> or
> ("2" "3" "5" "7" "11" "13")
> I am thinking this would be the easiest way to get the information into a
> list, since i have written functions for turning lists of characters or
> strings into an integer.
> In the end I want to output the numbers into a list:
> (2 3 5 7 11 13)

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