I apologize if this has been asked before but I can't find anything about
it in the archives or googling.

Is there something like Lisp's macroexpand-1 for MIT Scheme? It's quite
hard to debug my first macros. How do you guys debug your macros?

Currently I'm just playing around with a macro to define hashes. I want to

(hash '(a 1 b 2))


((lambda ()
  (let ((t make-strong-eq-hash-table))
           (hash-table/put! t 'a 1)
           (hash-table/put! t 'b 2)

For that I worked on this macro
<https://gist.github.com/gosukiwi/1584bf0b7be5e14be1b3>, which doesn't work
and I'd really love to be able to debug! The idea of the macro is to return
a self-executable lambda which returns a reference to a hash-table.

Thanks for your time!
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