I’m doing some calculations for GVD in various dielectrics, and I thought to 
ask here if anyone knows if there is a less clunky method of constructing the 
differential function with a list of constants:

;;; Refractive Index given Sellmeier coefficients at wavelength in microns
(define (n p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 l)
  (define (d t b l2)
    (/ (* t l2) (- l2 b)))
  (let ((l2 (square l)))
    (sqrt (+ 1 (d p1 p2 l2) (d p3 p4 l2) (d p5 p6 l2)))))

(define nofx (lambda (x) (n 'p1 'p2 'p3 'p4 'p5 'p6 x))) 

#| test symbolics
 (nofx 'x)
 ((D nofx) 'x)         ; first derivative 
((D (D nofx)) 'x)      ; second derivative - pretty slow from here on but who 
((D (D (D nofx))) 'x)  ; third derivative

;;; BK7 glass coefficients from https://refractiveindex.info
 (define bk7 '(1.03961212 6.00069867e-3 0.231792344 2.00179144e-2 1.01046945 
;;; redefine nods using actual constants 
(define nofx (lambda (x) (n (ref bk7 0)(ref bk7 1)(ref bk7 2)(ref bk7 3)(ref 
bk7 4)(ref bk7 5) x)))
#| numerics
(define l 0.8) ;; Ti:Saph laser wavelength
(nofx l) ;; 1.51078
((D nofx) l) ;; -1.9842e-2
((D (D nofx)) l) ;; 0.04925
((D (D (D nofx))) l) ;; -.28889
All seem pretty consistent with literature up to here.

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