Hi Folks,

There is a list of early LISP keyboards here with images:

Does anyone know the key to function map for these early keyboards?  Also
the intended home and other positions of fingers for the keyboard.

I'm trying to configure my Mac Bluetooth keyboard with similar Emacs
keybindings, however have questions on the above.  I over-layed these
keyboards on my iMac Bluetooth keyboard and found that Command should
really be space or no key.  Option and Control on the left should be
Control.  Option and Left Arrow on the right should be control.  Fn on the
left should be Meta.  Up / down on the right should be Meta.  Caps lock
should be rub out (delete character under cursor?).  I question if the same
physical keys on these keyboards mapped to the same Emacs functions or idea
of a function (before Emacs was created).

Appreciate any guidance you can provide.
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