> Date: Wed, 6 May 2020 00:05:31 -0400
> From: James Flaherty <kitcat425....@gmail.com>
> Once more, much obliged for the instructions. I complete all the steps on
> the x86 host system without error. However, when I scp the mit-scheme
> directory over to the odroid and run cd microcode && ./configure, i get the
> error "checking for native-code support... configure: error: unable to
> determine host architecture". I have to assume that putting the
> --enable-native-code=svm1-32le on this command couldn't hurt, so I tried
> that. it seems to have gotten rid of the architecture error.

Sorry, yes, you will need exactly that argument.

> Once on the "make -j4 cross-target" step in the microcode directory, I get
> this error message "make: *** No rule to make target 'cross-target'.
> Stop.". The only way to get the make to move forward is to remove the
> "cross-target" argument. When I enter make -j4, it compiles.
> Likewise, "env FAST=y make check" returns a "make: *** No rule to make
> target 'check'.  Stop." error.

You ran these in the wrong directory.  What I suggested is:

   cd mit-scheme/src
   (cd microcode && ./configure)
   make -j4 cross-target
   env FAST=y make check

In the second line, `(cd microcode && ./configure)' (where you guessed
correctly that you need to add --enable-native-code=svm1-32le), I
meant the parentheses literally -- that runs the commands in a
subshell, so it doesn't change the directory you're in.

In other words, you need to:

1. run `./configure --enable-native-code=svm1-32le' in
   mit-scheme/src/microcode, and then

2. run `make -j4 cross-target' in mit-scheme/src (NOT in
   mit-scheme/src/microcode), and then

3. run `env FAST=y make check' in mit-scheme/src (NOT in

> Finally, I tried to run the sudo make install command back in the src
> directory just as a shot in the dark. It returned the error below...

Yes, make install has no chance of working if the build didn't finish.

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